
发布时间:2020-11-20      截稿时间:2021-03-26      阅读量:8300次     
  ADC年度设计大奖(ADC Annual Awards)作为世界上首屈一指和历史最悠久的美术设计奖项,迄今已近百历史。2016年10月OneShow全资收购了ADC Annual Awards。ADC年度设计大奖加入The One Club创意矩阵,ADC继续扮演推崇世界上最佳的美术与设计执行作品的角色,并将这样的人类对美的追求继续发扬光大。两间非盈利机构都以发扬精彩的创意和设计为己任,而在奖项的评审标准方面,ADC年度设计大奖将更侧重于工艺,设计和创新,而One Show则偏向于Idea的创意以及执行的质量,2018年ADC 98th Annual Awards新增设了「Fashion and Spatial Design时尚与空间设计」专业奖项。
  ADC 100th Annual Awards
  ADC 100th Annual Awards
  The ADC Annual Awards is the world’s longest continuously running awards program recognizing global excellence in craft and innovation in all forms of design and advertising.This year presents creatives from around the world with the once-a-century opportunity to be part of history by winning a coveted ADC Cube in the prestigious show’s 100th awards season.
  The One Club for Creativity is a not for profit organization that celebrates and serves the global advertising and design industries,and when the pandemic began to affect the world earlier in the year,we jumped to make adjustments to help our community.
  The deadline to enter the ADC 100 Annual Awards is March 12,2021
  The ADC Annual Awards,part of The One Club for Creativity,is the oldest continuously running industry award show in the world.Now heading into its incredible 100th year,these Awards celebrate the very best in advertising,digital media,graphic and publication design,packaging and product design,motion,experiential and spatial design,photography,illustration and fashion design all with a focus on artistry and craftsmanship.
  The ADC Annual Awards also offers a tiered pricing structure designed to make it easier for smaller agencies,studios and freelancers to participate.Larger companies pay the standard entry fee;smaller shops get a discount on entries(amount varies by discipline)and freelance creatives and one-person shops are eligible for an even greater reduction in their entry fee.
  Outstanding entrants are selected by highly respected juries,and honored with coveted Gold,Silver and Bronze Cubes,presented at the Annual Awards Gala.Beyond these Cubes,however,ADC Annual Awards winners join a rich legacy of past honorees that include some of the most influential artists of the past century.
  Entry Deadlines
  This year,the ADC Annual Awards will accept entries in three submission periods.Please note that entry fees increase during each deadline period,based on when an entry is completed in the system,regardless of entry creation date.Please refer to the individual categories or fees pages for more information.
  Regular Deadline:March 12,2021
  Extended Deadline:March 19,2021
  Final Deadline:March 26,2021
  Payment Deadline:
  All payments must reach The One Club within 15 days of the invoice date.
  Eligibility Dates
  All entries must have been printed,published,or aired for the first time between the dates listed below in any country.Work submitted into Personal or Unpublished categories must have been created within the dates listed below.Due to the the Coronavirus pandemic,the entry period has been extended.
  Eligibility Dates:
  January 1,2020-March 26,2021
  Spatial Design-Eligibility Dates:
  January 1,2019-March 26,2021
  Freelancers:$100.00 Single/$150.00 Series
  Company Size=2-50 Employees&Individuals:$300.00 Single/$450.00 Series
  Company Size=51+Employees:$450.00 Single/$600.00 Series
  When the ADC Annual Awards was first introduced in 1921,its advertising submissions were limited to magazine ads and posters.Fast-forward a century,and this discipline covers an ever-growing variety of mediums,from online video and branded entertainment to direct mail pieces and electronic billboards.But don't worry,there's still room for those magazine ads and posters.
  Brand/Communication Design
  The ADC Annual Awards has a century long history of championing breathtaking design work.The Brand/Communication Design discipline focuses on many traditional aspects of the graphic design world,from logos and corporate branding to posters and other promotional materials.
  View Brand/Communication Design Categories
  Experiential Design
  As the name implies,the discipline focuses on creations that must be experienced rather than simply observed.From elaborate exhibitions to installations,from wayfaring to placemaking,and even digital experiences,this discipline immerses its audiences in a sensory adventure.
  Fashion Design
  An array of creative talents in the fashion industry–from fabric and apparel designers to fashion illustrators and jewelry designers–from both large and small companies will compete with one another and have their work judged by a jury of industry peers.
  This discipline focuses on the art and craft of illustration across a myriad of mediums and specialties.
  This year ADC has added In-House to its lineup of disciplines.An array of creative talents from In-House agencies and brands from both large and small companies will compete with one another and have their work judged by a jury of industry peers.
  Integrated recognizes creative concepts and messaging unified across multi-channel campaigns.
  This discipline focuses on the ever-evolving world of digital and interactive communication,from websites and mobile apps to social media and virtual reality.
  Motion/Film/Gaming Craft
  This discipline highlights the art and craft of motion graphics,animation and visual effects,as well as the technical aspects of film and gaming.
  Packaging Design
  This discipline focuses on the conception and creation of boxes,bottles,bags and other containers in which products are displayed and sold.
  This discipline focuses on the art of film and digital photography across a myriad of specialties.
  Product Design
  This discipline focuses on the conception and creation of various mass-produced products,from household goods to automobiles.
  Publication Design
  This discipline focuses on design and craftsmanship in books,magazines,newspapers and digital publications.
  Spatial Design
  The Spatial Design discipline crosses boundaries of traditional design specializations such as building design,landscape architecture and design,interiors design,service design,certain areas of public art and more.

  This discipline focuses on the creation and application of letterforms,including typefaces,calligraphy and hand-lettering.