
发布时间:2020-12-15      截稿时间:2021-02-13      阅读量:9432次     

  肖蒙当代海报收藏的质量,与19世纪后期的插图海报合集,以及一年一度的28届艺术节的活力,为肖蒙建立了一个永久性的场所完全致力于平面设计的机构:le Signe国际平面设计中心,于2016年10月开业。
  肖蒙国际海报大赛的展览将于2021年5月27日至9月26日在由le Signe组织的第三届国际设计设计双年展期间举行。

  Le Signe,centre national du graphisme isorganising the 3rd edition of the Biennale internationale de design graphiquefrom 27 May to 26 September 2021 in Chaumont.Following in the footsteps of theemblematic poster festival of Chaumont,the Bienniale will celebrate graphicdesign over a period of four months,an opportunity for all its participants tomeet up,discuss practices and topical issues thanks to a variety of events allover the city.The theme of this third edition“VIRAL”isalso the subject of an exhibition of the same name.It is an invitation for thespectator to reflect upon this term,which refers to the spreading as well asthe diffusion of information,images and also those diverging interpretationswe make of them.In these times of health crisis,the numberof diagrams with their abscissa and ordinate axes we have seen has exploded,aswell as the audience’s liking for logarithmic curbs and exponential functionsor the appearance of a new corps of expert statisticians and polemicists.Theseimages have become viral themselves and their interpretation has been more thanever determined by the respectivecontext and broadcasting channel but also by the graphic choices that weremade.The multiplication of this data,these figures and representations hasgenerated a double yet contradictory movement:never before has data been soeasy to access for all yet never before has it led to so much debate andconfusion regarding its interpretation.With this current theme,Le Signe wishes toquestion the public’s role in the virality of today's society.The public willdiscover a programme of events that will highlight emerging as well asestablished artists from the graphic design scene,with solo exhibitions byFanette Mellier,the Iranian studio Kargah,Michel Le Petit Didier and MichielSchuurman.In parallel,there will be exhibitions with specific themes such asthe Demo festival,the Exemplaires Biennale,le Club français du livre(theFrench book club)and the students competition.The Biennale will inaugurate the 29thInternational Poster Competition,a key event for graphic designers.Around ahundred posters selected as among the best contemporary productions will bedisplayed together in one exhibition.Workshops,talks and roundtables will alsobe organized in each town to support the transmission,questioning,discussionand sharing of ideas around the subject of graphic creation.The Biennaleaddresses an audience of professionals as well as students of graphic design,not forgetting those who are curious about the subject,making the disciplinemore accessible to all.The graphic identity of the 2021 Biennalehas been entrusted to the New York studio DIA,specialized in the typography ofmovement,animation and augmented reality.

