
发布时间:2021-03-03      截稿时间:2021-03-19      阅读量:15567次     


Conceptual & Schematic Interior Design Competition for Sunac China Greater Bay Area Headquarters & Snow Tourism Complex Exhibition Hall

01 竞赛背景 Background


Sunac China Greater Bay Area Headquarters & Snow Tourism Complex (Hereinafter referred to as the project) is located in the west area of Fuyong, Baoan District, Shenzhen. It's to be built into a mixed-use complex that integrates Sunac China Greater Bay Area Headquarters, Snow Tourism Complex, Snow Hotel, Snow Outdoor Commercial Street, Snow office Cluster, etc., and is expected to create a new "urban living room" in the Greater Bay Area and a new landmark in Shenzhen with the theme of "Greater Bay Area Polar Region, World Ice City".

融创中国大湾区总部和冰雪文旅综合体示范区城市客厅(下文称城市客厅),作为融创中国大湾区总部及冰雪文旅综合体首期展示示范区,总室内面积约3000 ㎡。城市展厅将成为项目前期最为重要的展示窗口。

Sunac China is calling for excellent interior design schemes for the exhibition hall (an urban living room) of the phase I construction of the project. With a gross floor area of 3,000 m², the exhibition hall will become an important window to display the achievements accomplished in early-stage construction of the headquarters & tourism complex.



The competition is open to design teams worldwide, looking for creative design schemes that create an instagrammable image for the exhibition hall to attract a large number of visitors as well as display technological innovation, based on a comprehensive understanding of the project's overall positioning and features and a focus on the theme of Snow Tourism.

02 赛事组织机构 Organization


Organizer: Sunac China (South China Regional Group)

03 项目概况 Project Overview

3.1)项目区位 Project Location

项目位于深圳市宝安区福永西片区。国际会展城二期北侧,海上田园以南,沿江高速以东,汇海路以西。用地范围内规划有地铁 12 号线和地铁20 号线站点,地铁 18 号线和国铁深茂铁路和深肇客专为远期规划。

The project is located in the west area of Fuyong, Baoan District, Shenzhen. It's adjacent to International Convention and Exhibition City Phase II and Waterlands Resort on north, south sides, with the Coastal Expressway and Huihai Road on the east and west sides respectively. Metro Line 12 and Metro Line 20 are planned to pass the land area. In addition, Metro Line 18, Shenmao Railway, and Shenzhen-Zhaoqing Railway are planned to pass nearby in the long-term future.

3.2)周边关系 Surroundings


Based on the "Grand Exhibition and Mass Cultural Tourism" positioning of Shenzhen Aviation City, the project is aimed at establishing industrial chains of the cultural tourism in the area and promoting joint development with its surroundings, so as to enhance the integration of industry and city.





1) Provide exhibition-related supporting services for the Convention & Exhibition Center;

2) Advance the upgrading of the manufacturing industry in Shajing Subdistrict;

3) Work with Waterlands Resort to enrich tourism activities;

4) Coordinate with the development of Shenzhen New Marine City.

3.3)整体规划布局 Master Planning


The project takes the central axis of snow landscapes as the core, with four key spaces including Snow World, Snow & Cinema Hotel, Snow HQ Office Cluster, FUNMIX (snow-related derivative area and urban entertainment area beneath the snow trail) arranged on the two sides. Five distinctive snow scenes including Snowflake Atrium, Snowfall Valley, Glacier Stage, Crystal Plaza and Marine Blue Lagoon are created for offering unique immersive experiences and stunning snow impressions.

04 项目整体定位 Overall Positioning

项目整体目标打造以“湾区极地、世界冰城”为主题的湾区新客厅、深圳新名片。项目总计容面积约 130 万平方米,将建成集融创中国大湾区总部、冰雪文旅综合体、冰雪主题酒店、冰雪主题室外商街、冰雪主题办公集群等多功能业态综合体。

The overall goal of Sunac China Greater Bay Area Headquarters & Snow Tourism Complex is to create a new "urban living room" in the Greater Bay Area and a new landmark for Shenzhen, with the theme of "Bay Area Polar Region, World Ice City". With a gross floor area of around 1,300, 000 m², it is to be built into a mixed-use complex that integrates Sunac China Greater Bay Area Headquarters, Snow Tourism Complex, Snow Hotel, Snow Outdoor Commercial Street, Snow office Cluster, etc.


It is positioned as a new urban complex in Greater Bay Area that attracts more than tens of thousands of visitors. With the mission of creating a new engine for the regional economic development and a new iconic landmark for urban consumption, it's aimed to provide diversified world-class entertainment experiences for people in Shenzhen and the Greater Bay Area, enhance the image and quality of Shenzhen and upgrade Shenzhen's consumptive power.

05 设计任务与要求 Design Tasks & Requirements

1、总室内面积控制 3000 ㎡左右(面积指标可微调),示范区城市展厅基地位于市政绿地景观中轴线之上,项目主体建筑不可阻挡景观中轴线,亦不可呈现较大凸出的体块。

The gross floor area of the Exhibition Hall is about 3000 m² (which can be slightly adjusted). The site of the Exhibition Hall is located on the central axis of the civic green belt, but the building shall not block the central landscape axis, nor expose relatively large, protruding blocks.

2、展厅总室内面积控制 3000 ㎡左右(面积指标可微调),设计需考虑与场地周边业态的联通,以及项目后期转换为商铺使用的功能需求。

The total interior area of the Exhibition Hall shall be around 3000 m² (which can be slightly adjusted). The design scheme shall take account of its connection with the surrounding commercial activities, and the requirements of converting the Exhibition Hall into stores in the future.


The space shall integrate with outdoor public landscape, to create an open and inclusive image.

设计关注点 Key Design Points


The design shall focus on the theme of snow cultural tourism and the creation of innovative spatial forms, to create an instagrammable image for the exhibition hall to attract a huge number of visitors and showcase technological innovation.

06 参赛要求 Eligibility



1. The applicant shall be a registered enterprise or organization around the world;

2. Individuals or teams of individuals are not accepted.

07 竞赛规则 Rules






Stage 1: Application & Preliminary Election

Applicants shall submit the following documents.

1. Application Form (provided by the organizer);

2. Company profile and previous projects;

3. Conceptual design proposal (No limitation to the number of schemes and deepening level)






5、若本轮出现高票第一名,则不再进行下一轮评比,竞赛冠军将获得本项目设计合同(无落选补偿费), 其他四家入围团队将分别获得入围奖金5万元。


Stage 2: Schematic Design

1. 5 shortlisted applicants will to enter this stage after the preliminary election;

2. The 5 shortlisted applicants shall submit deliverables as required in the Design Brief. Each applicant can submit only one proposal;

3. The organizer shall review the submitted proposals. The jury adopts open vote process (elimination round by round) to select three applicants without a ranking as the finalists and offer optimization advices. Meanwhile, the jury shall determine applicants that rank the 4th and the 5th, each of which will be awarded 50,000 yuan;

4. If necessary, the organizer will request the 3 finalists to optimize design proposals and will offer optimization advices where appropriate. The period for scheme optimization shall be no more than 7 days. The organizer will then conduct final evaluation on the optimized design proposals;

5. If one of the 5 shortlisted gets the majority vote in this stage, it shall be the winner of the design contract and the next evaluation stage will be canceled. The other 4 shortlisted teams each will be awarded 50,000 yuan;

6. Applicants that rank top 10 during preliminary election will be included in Sunac China (South China Regional Group)'s Design Firm Database (Companies listed in the Database will have a high chance to cooperate with Sunac China on future projects.)

第三阶段:决赛阶段 (若第二阶段直接选出最佳方案则此轮不进行)


Stage 3: Final Selection

(If the best proposal is selected at Stage 2, this round shall be cancelled.)

The jury shall adopt direct voting process to select the winner, the runner-up and the second runner-up among the 3 finalists based on jurors’ opinions. The winner will be awarded the design contract. The runner-up and the second runner-up each will be awarded 100,000 yuan.

08 竞赛日程安排 Schedule

8.1)报名及海选 Application & Preliminary Election

2月26日 发布正式赛事公告并开始接受参赛申请

3月19日 设计单位递交参赛资料及答疑截止

February 26 Open Call

March 19 Deadline for Submission and Query

8.2)方案设计 Schematic Design

3月20日 评审确认入围5家设计单位并公布


March 20 5 Finalists Confirmed and Announced

March 28(tentative) Design Deepening and Optimization

8.3)结果公布 Result Announcement


March 29(tentative) Winner, Runner-up, Second Runner-up Announced

09 相关资料获取 Related Documents




Competition documents including Application Form, Design Brief and other related materials can be downloaded on Baidu NetDisk:

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1m-ocsB_f1gWYjg8wWvB7Ng

Password: o01e

10 参赛作品投递 Submissions











Please send submissions to awards@framemag.com.cn, and the subject of the email shall be "Submission for Exhibition Hall Competition + applicant name".


LIU: liuyx5@sunac.com.cn

WANG: wangmeng10@sunac.com.cn

Contact Time: 9:30—17:30, Monday – Friday