2021墨西哥ESCUCHA MI VOZ国际海报比赛

发布时间:2021-03-05      截稿时间:2021-05-10      阅读量:7948次     




1.- All designers, graphic artists, visual and plastic artists or unrestricted age and gender may participate. Each participant will be able to submit up to 10 posters.

2. 参赛作品2021年2月10日开放线上提交。请在注册链接前查看我们的隐私声明。系统通过点击发送到您电子邮件的链接生成您的激活帐户,请务必查看您的垃圾 邮件,确保在您的通讯簿中包含我们的电子邮件帐户,以免错过时间。当然,如果您有任何问题,请随时与我们联系,咨询邮箱:posters@escuchamivoz.org。

2.- Requires registration in www.escuchamivoz.org page starting February 10th 2021. Please see our privacy noticebefore registering link. System generates an account which requieres your activation by clicking a link send to your email, please be sure to review your spam and be sure to have our email account in your address book to avoid this delay. However, if you have any trouble do not hesitate to contact us.

3. 参赛海报的规格:2953 x 4134 像素,分辨率 150 dpi,色彩模式 RGB(50 x 70 cm,150 dpi,RGB),竖版,JPG 格式,每张海报不超过 10MB。没有按要求发送的海报将失去参赛资格。

3.- Should send their poster (s) through the same website as far: 2953 x 4134 pixels at 150 dpi in RGB (50 x 70 cm at 150 dpi in RGB). VERTICAL FORMAT.  in JPG Format not longer than 10MB per poster. The posters that are sent without meeting this requirement will be disqualified and lose the opportunity to spend the jury process.

4. 请在提交作品前仔细阅读赛事背景及简介,这将为您提供相关主题的知识,将有助于构思与创作参赛作品。

4.- It is very important to carefully read the BRIEF and most of the FRAMEWORK also the informative links that expose and deepen on HANDS ARE TO CREATE this will give you the knowledge on the subject and is highly valuable material for conception and development of your ideas.

5. 作品征集时间:2021年2月10日 - 5月20日

5.- The call will be open from February 10th until May 20, 2021.

6. 我们不提供现金或物质奖励。由国际评委们评审后,将评选出最好的 50 张海报作为入选的参展作品,并将成为国际巡展的一部分(你也可以申请在你的国家举办海报展!写信给我们以获取更多信息:posters@escuchamivoz.org)。

6.- We do not grant cash awards or material goods. The best 50 posters will be selected by an international jury and will be part of traveling exhibitions inside the country and probably in other countries in the world (You can have a poster exhibition in your country if you want! – write to us for further information to: posters@escuchamivoz.org). Take a look  BLUE CAUSE AWARD and get involved!.

7. 评审团将在2021年5月-6月期间组织线上评审。如果您的海报被选中,证书将以电子邮件的方式发送给您,同时免费获得此次入选海报的印刷画册,但您需要支付运费。(印刷版的画册数量将视赞助情况而定,但我们会为入选参赛者提供电子版)

7.- The jury will meet online during the month of May - June 2021.  If your poster is selected you will have a copy of our print edition without cost we only ask you to cover the amount  of shipping. The printed version of this edition is subject to sponsorship availability, however we will have an electronic version).

8. 如果您的海报未被选中,我们将通过电子邮件向您发送参赛的电子证书。

8.- Also, if you send to us a poster and you are not selected we will send to you an electronic certificate by e-mail. If you are a selected designer your certificate will be send you electronically.


9.- Posters must be sent from your authorship. By submitting your (s) sign (s) you confirm that the design was done by you and does not contain elements that could damage the intellectual property of a third party.


10.- By submitting your poster to this contest, assign the rights to admit: A Toda Voz A.C. for your (s) sign (s) are used (s) to be displayed (s), promoted (s), broadcast (s), and / or published (s) in any print or electronic media, for education , advocacy, outreach and fundraising for all activities related to this contest


11.- Each author is responsible for his work and at all times retains the right to ownership of his work and will always be recognized and announced. We will notify you whenever your work will be displayed, reproduced or disseminated in any form.


12.- Please do not post your (s) sign (s) in social networks until the jury has given its verdict.


13.- Posters must be original but not necessarily unpublished.

14. 入选设计师的名单将于2021年6月公布。

14.- The names of the selected designers will be announced during the month of June 2021.
15. 展览将于2021年6月开始,我们会根据展览场地的日程安排,发布相应展览时间安排。

15.- The exhibitions will start from June 2021 and we will go announcing the schedule as it develops the agenda of the venues.






• 创造: 从无到有
• 用你的双手去帮助他人
• 建立还是毁灭?
• 繁荣
• 消极的转变
• 无名英雄们的奉献
In front our eyes, at different times of humanity, destructive behaviors are revealed and unveiled that to date continue to break down the social trust.
Fortunately, there are those who are building, there are those who are creating. It is thanks to them that civilization remains standing, and even manages to prosper. We have seen it with the pandemic: tens of thousands of anonymous heroes saving lives daily putting their own at risk. And we see it every day with people who selflessly bet on love and creation.

Hopefully the design of your poster, the clay, the talks, the engravings, the smell of ink and the emotion of seeing your own work captured in a public space, awaken in the communities we will reach the desire to use our hands to help ... let's celebrate To CREATE.

The power of the individual decision between doing good or evil belongs to each individual.

  • Create: Make something out of nothing

  • Use your hands to help

  • Decision making, build or destroy?

  • Prosperity

  • Transformation of the negative

  • Anonymous heroes and heroines doing what they have to









今年是ESCUCHA MI VOZ国际海报比赛举办的第一个10年,同时被墨西哥最权威的文化基金组织FONCA授予奖项。

Fortunately, there are those who are building, there are those who are creating. It is thanks to them that civilization remains standing, and even manages to prosper.

Regardless of the policies of governments and the conditions of any context, the power of individual decision remains.
That millisecond in which each human being has the POWER to decide between doing good or evil. That power is what marks the destiny of individuals and nations.
Of course, there are very complex circumstances that lead an individual to decide one way or another, but it is clear that, if he is not a victim of a repressive power, the individual will have the power to choose between what originates creation or what causes violence.
In Mexico, the host country of this contest, for 15 years the violence has overflowed: disappearances, femicides, homicides, rapes, among many other atrocities, took off unexpectedly. And the same happens in other countries where violence has been widely wagered.

"With a rate of 24.8 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants, Mexico is in the 12th position of the most violent countries in the world, according to the Global Study of Homicides 2019 of the Information Center of the United Nations." UN

Before our eyes, at different times of humanity, destructive behaviors are revealed and unveiled that to date continue to break down the social fabric. It is urgent to reverse the degree of violence worldwide. Goal number 16 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals is described as: Peace, justice and strong institutions.
This, like the rest of the objectives, will be impossible to meet if INDIVIDUALS and education within families is not practiced deciding in a fair, equitable way and self-management of negative emotions so that reason prevails that allows us to do well on the conflict with resolutions in a civilized manner.
Fortunately, there are those who are building, there are those who are creating. It is thanks to them that civilization remains standing, and even manages to prosper. We have seen it with the pandemic: tens of thousands of anonymous heroes saving lives daily putting their own at risk. And we see it every day with people who selflessly bet on love and creation.

We want this to be an invitation to designers to make social posters that invite society in general to reconsider the use of that decision-making power that is committed to building prosperity and respect for others.

This year the contest joins the celebration of Listen to my Voice within the framework of the interdisciplinary Creative Festival with which we were awarded one of the funds of the highest institution of culture in Mexico: FONCA, as well as the celebration of our first 10 years of existence.

Hopefully the design of your poster, the clay, the talks, the engravings, the smell of ink and the emotion of seeing your own work captured in a public space, awaken in the communities we will reach the desire to use our hands to help ... let's celebrate To CREATE.




©2021墨西哥ESCUCHA MI VOZ国际海报比赛