
发布时间:2021-03-20      阅读量:9240次     
  美国进步建筑奖一年举办一次,此前已成功举办67届,旨在表彰世界范围内具有创新性和整体设计出色的未建成项目(unbuilt projects)。美国进步建筑奖的主办方是《ARCHITECT》杂志,该月刊杂志由美国建筑师学会(AIA)创办,杂志发布的文章涉及与建筑师相关的方方面面,包括商业与科技、产品与教育、设计与文化等。
  The Winners of the 68th Annual Progressive Architecture Awards
  项目名称:Uganda Women’s and Children’s Clinic
  设计团队:LS3P Associates
  项目状态:On the Boards/In Progress进行中
  The design is sophisticated,environmentally sensitive,and light on the Earth.It takes away any stigma of going to a health clinic and creates an uplifting place.Think about how many people’s lives this will impact in a positive way.
  设计团队:Ja Architecture Studio
  项目类型:Single Family独户住宅
  项目状态:On the Boards/In Progress进行中
  The brick and the scale of this project are approachable.It has a sense of familiarity;it is poetic.It’s not about boldness or newness,but it has this strange softness to it.It is considered.
  项目名称:Mary Potter Academy
  设计团队:Evoke Studio Architecture
  项目地点:Oxford,North Carolina美国,北卡来罗纳州
  项目状态:On the Boards/In Progress进行中
  This is a very compact project with the potential to be transformational by adding a few interventions to reinforce a sense of place and create a new cultural center.
  项目名称:Teweles and Brandeis Grain Elevator
  设计团队:La Dallman
  项目地点:Sturgeon Bay,WI美国,威斯康星州
  项目状态:On the Boards/In Progress进行中
  This project shows how the structures that dot the landscape and are inherently recognized by us as a certain typology could be transformed for reuse,recognition,and a sense of place.
  项目名称:New Home for The First 72+
  项目地点:New Orleans,Louisiana美国,路易斯安那州
  项目状态:On the Boards/In Progress进行中图片
  The domestic scale of architecture can live comfortably in a neighborhood while having a mix of living,working,and services in it.It should not be something that is separate or on the outskirts.
  Honorable Mention荣誉奖
  项目名称:Urban Awning
  项目地点:Los Angeles,CA美国加利福尼亚州,洛杉矶
  项目类型:Multifamily,Affordable Housing经济适用型多户住宅
  项目状态:On the Boards/In Progress进行中

  This represents a new way of looking at affordable housing,where the green architecture helps with creating a new typology.Here,it is driving the project form and is unapologetic about it.

