
发布时间:2021-04-02      截稿时间:2021-04-14      阅读量:9423次     



2020年10月,杭州市委市政府印发了《关于推进轨道交通可持续高质量发展的实施意见》(市委发〔2020〕23 号),提出高水平打造“轨道上的城市”,推进TOD综合开发,要求高起点规划、高标准设计、高品质建设,完善区域业态功能布局,优化用地结构。在此背景下,杭州将开展轨道交通TOD综合开发示范项目城市设计国际方案征集活动。本次方案征集包括两个子项目,即地铁杭钢站和双浦车辆段。










International Public Request for Proposal (RFP) Announcement

Urban Design for Hangzhou Rail Transit

TOD Comprehensive Development

Hanggang Subway Station & Shuangpu Subway Yards

1. Project Brief

In order to promote sustainable and high-quality development, Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources and Hangzhou Metro Group Co., Ltd (both as sponsors) are now jointly soliciting proposals for Urban Design of Hangzhou Rail Transit TOD Comprehensive Development Exemplary Projects, for Hanggang Subway Station & Shuangpu Subway Yards. We publicly invite design agencies worldwide with related design experience to participate and submit the Prequalification Application Documents. The proposal solicitation includes two TOD comprehensive development urban design projects, namely Hanggang Subway Station & Shuangpu Subway Yards.

2. Eligibility and Qualifications of Applicants

This RFP is open to domestic and foreign applications. The participating applicant (hereinafter referred to as the “Applicant”) may be a consortium (the total number of consortium leader and members shall not exceed three). The Applicant must have TOD Station-City integrative urban design and architectural design capabilities and experience. The Applicant within the People's Republic of China shall provide certification materials proving that they have the professional and technical abilities to undertake the urban design project, including Qualification Certificate of Architectural Design (Grade A), and Qualification Certificate of Urban and Rural Planning Compilation (Class A). International Applicant shall have relevant qualifications and capabilities in their region of registration to undertake this project.

3. Other Requirements

All application documents in written form (bearing the official seal) shall be delivered to the Agent by the submission deadline Beijing Time (GMT +8) 17:00 on April 14th, 2021.(subject to the signature and receipt of the Agent; Address: 639 Qianjiang Rd, Fl 16, Hangzhou Tianhong Tendering & Bidding Agency Co., Ltd, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China 310020, Contact: Miss Gu, +86-13735830512). All design agencies with intent to participate in the RFP must also submit their Prequalification applications in digital formats in PDF or Word format containing the same contents as the hardcopy application documents to the 18709426@qq.com.

This announcement is published on the Zhejiang Government Procurement Website (http://zfcg.czt.zj.gov.cn), Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources official website (http://ghzy.hangzhou.gov.cn), and Hangzhou Metro Group Co., Ltd official website (http://www.hzmetro.com), and their Wechat Official Accounts (Hangzhou Planning and Natural Resources, Hangzhou Metro). The revisions and supplements of this announcement are subject to the content published on the above-mentioned website media.

ContactMiss Gu, Tel: +86-13735830512

Email: 18709426@qq.com

Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources

Hangzhou Metro Group Co., Ltd

March 31st, 2021


   Urban Design for Hangzhou Rail Transit TOD Comprehensive Development Exemplary Projects-- Hanggang Subway Station&Shuangpu Subway Yards.docx
