2021 UIA-霍普杯国际大学生建筑设计竞赛

发布时间:2021-04-29      截稿时间:2021-10-10      阅读量:58247次     
  期待已久的2021 UIA-霍普杯国际大学生建筑设计竞赛题目新鲜出炉啦!普利兹克建筑奖得主、OMA(大都会)建筑事务所及AMO创始人、哈佛大学教授雷姆·库哈斯(Rem Koolhaas)担任本次竞赛主席并拟定题目
  图片云南翁丁古寨于2006年被列入重点乡村文化遗产保护名录。然而牛年伊始,一场大火烧毁了整个村庄。翁丁的火灾暴露了更为本质的困境,远非重建村庄的茅草屋顶和精美的木质建筑那么简单。正如我带领团队在世界许多地方调研时所发现的。我们正身处一个十字路口,需要思考中国乃至世界乡村的未来何去何从。The advent of the year of the Ox brought destruction to the ancient village of Wongding in Yunnan,which has been recognized as important cultural countryside heritage since 2006.The fire that raged through Wongding however exposed more fundamental dilemmas that go beyond replacing the village’s thatched roof tops and intricate wood constructions,which my team and I have been observing in many places in the world for some time now.It coincides with an important crossroads in thinking about the future of the countryside in China and beyond.中国的乡村建设主要依靠自上而下的产业规划。和世界许多其他地方一样,这样的建设方式给乡村带了现代化以及显著的生活水平提升。但与此同时,传统生活方式中积淀的历史、自然和文化底蕴也遭到一定程度的破坏。自二十世纪70年代中国推行扶贫政策,直到2020年在全国范围、特别是在像翁丁古寨及其周边这样初步完成的地区,已经重塑了乡村的样貌。在实现这一重大里程碑的重要历史时刻,需要我们反思当初的工作方法,进一步思考这一具有全球性的问题:乡村规划未来的路该怎么走?China’s rural development has been largely based on top-down industrial planning.Like in many places in the world this brought modernity to the countryside and offered dramatic improvements in the quality of life for many.It however also meant that historical,natural,and cultural quality concentrated in age old ways of living suffered.In 2020 the unprecedented anti-poverty campaigns in China that reshaped countrysides since the 1970s across the nation and specifically areas not unlike those we find in and around Wongding came to a first completion.This important milestone marks an important moment for reflection on this initial way of working not only for China:it demands new considerations on the future of planning the countryside.在这场斗争中,中国并非孤军奋战。在“乡村·未来”展览及同名书籍中,我与AMO团队以及一大批专家合作展示了世界各地的建筑是如何极大地脱离了乡村。从俄罗斯迫在眉睫的环境灾难、西方对笛卡尔主义刻板形式的集体坚守,到历史文化保护以及不断增加的移民危机所带来的更严重的全球性后果,我们希望表明关于乡村的思考和规划对于人类共同的未来从未如此重要。China is not alone in this struggle.In the exhibition and book Countryside.The Future I showed with the AMO team and a large group of experts how far architecture has drifted from the countryside across the globe.From looming environmental disaster in Russia,the firm corporate grip of ruthless forms of Cartesianism in the West,to the larger global consequences of preservation and growing migration crises,we show that thinking and planning the countryside has never been more important for a shared future.以往世界各地大范围的乡村规划中主要采用的是以产业和物质为基础、或被狭隘的市场利益驱使的规划方法,这两种方式均亟待革新。我们也看到,传统的遗产界定方式是如何在包装成旅游地的压力下崩溃的,导致我们所认为的真实的东西被掏空。而新的里程碑性质不同,它结合了雄心勃勃的可持续发展与乡村振兴等新目标,因而需要采用那些能认识到乡村生活品质的新做法。现实的环境和对更可持续的生活方式的追求,都促使我们重新思考我们与自然和文化的关系。很明显,新一代年轻人希望与乡村展开新形式的互动。非正式的工具和平台,如中国的农村淘宝、乡村社交媒体平台如“快手”,以及在撒哈拉以南地区运用的小型技术和金融插件,为规划、构建和体验乡村开启了新途径:提供了积极的城市与乡村混和的新型复合生活方式。除了方便和舒适,“真实”体验和聚焦所形成的真实性是最重要的。
  The old way of planning large swaths of countryside around the world was largely based on an industrial and material-based planning method or the narrow interests of markets.Both are up for reinvention.We also witness how conventional ways of defining heritage are buckling under pressure of packaged tourism,generating a hollowing of what we consider authentic.Combined with the new ambitious sustainability and rural revitalization goals,these are new milestones of a different nature,which need a new approach in it recognizing the quality of village life.Both the environment and the need for more sustainable ways of living urge us to rethink our relationships with nature and culture.It is also clear that a new generation wants a different form of interaction with the countryside.Informal tools and platforms like Chinese Rural Taobao,rural social media platform like Kwaisho,and small scaled technological and financial add-ons used in the Sub-Sahara,offer the start of a new toolkit for planning,framing,and experiencing the countryside:offering hybrid active lifestyles where countryside and urban activity generate a new blended life.Besides convenience and comfort,the authenticity of a‘real’experience and focus is paramount.乡村正从城市的“服务提供者”向着更深刻的角色发展,从根本上挑战建筑行业的范式,没有相关建筑学内容可供参考,乡村环境是对综合能力的检验,需要经济、基础设施、新旧技术和文化统筹协调,从而创造新体验。仅靠传统的工艺,无法实现我们想要的未来。
  The countryside fundamentally challenges the paradigm of the architectural profession by requiring a more deeply ingrained role compared to being a city’s‘service provider’.There might be no such thing as architecture related-information to fall back to.Rural context requires a skills set where economy,infrastructure,new and old technology,and culture have to work in unison,in order to generate new experiences.Solely mastering old arts and crafts will not bring the future that is needed.
  Work in the countryside also challenges the notion of fixed construction plans.As many of the issues in the countryside are not exclusively solvable by construction alone,it must build more on an effective combination and spatial translation of new ideas,desires,methods and reference points rather than the orthodoxies of traditional planning.Within this context,the burning of Wongding,and all its cousins around the globe,should lead to a broader rejuvenation of the village in a new and striking 21st century way of rethinking planning,heritage,beauty,value,economy,development,and purpose.
  We ask you to submit these ideas and or the best case studies examples that challenge existing planning tradition to collectively build a library of the most relevant and interesting possibilities to give a new fundamentally revised view of the future of the countryside.
  Projects should propose new experimental planning formats and proposals in the countryside.These proposals are not limited to China and invite all countrysides across the globe.
  The plans should show engagement with and involvement of local communities with a social,economic,and new cultural component.Ideally you work directly with locals.
  Projects should make use of new(digital)infrastructures in a novel way,not as a gimmick and have a relationship with popular(contemporary countryside)culture.
  Projects should strongly consider their own economic and ecological sustainability and address this.
  Format for presentation is a movie no longer than 2:00 minutes and three A1 boards.The movie and boards have a free format.Make your projects stick out,striking,fresh,exciting and engaging.
  Plans,sections,elevations and renderings can be used when relevant.
  The movie is not allowed to show personally identifiable information.Your submission has to be subtitled in English.
  本题目解析及视频由Rem Koolhaas,Stephan Petermann,Dongmei Yao共同完成
  1st Prize(1 team):Certificate and 100,000 RMB(before tax);
  2nd Prize(3 teams):Certificate and 30,000 RMB(before tax);
  3rd Prize(8 teams):Certificate and 10,000 RMB(before tax);
  Honorable Mentions(several teams):Certificate;
  Advisors of prize-winning projects will also be awarded with certificates.
  hypcup uedmagazine.net
  Jury Chairman
  Rem Koolhaas
  Executive Jury Chairman
  CUI Kai
  Registration Deadline
  24:00(GMT+8)September 20th,2021
  Submission Deadline
  24:00(GMT+8)October 10th,2021
  Submission Email
  hypcup uedmagazine.net
  Register Now!
  Click"Read more"at the bottom of this article to register;Or scan QR code to log in to the official website of UIA-HYP Cup:HTTP://HYPCUP.UEDMAGAZINE.NET
  沃尔夫·德·普瑞克斯Wolf D.Prix奥地利建筑设计大师,蓝天组建筑事务所联合创始人
  City Puzzle&Puzzle City
  Benedetta Tagliabue
  2019乐活空间-融合建筑和环境Happy Spaces–Integrating Architecture And Landscape
  Patrik Schumacher
  图片2018城市共生:定制化社区模块Customizing Modules for Community
  Jean Nouvel
  2017改变与重塑(夺回)Transformation and Reconquest
  Bernard Tschumi
  图片2016概念与标示Concept and Notation
  Meinhard von Gerkan
  2015演变——多样统一性中的地域、传统与现代Transformation:Place,Tradition and Modernismin Conceptual Unity and Diversity
  Daniel Libeskind
  国际著名建筑大师,Daniel Libeskind事务所创始人
  图片2014出乎意料的城市Unexpected City
  Dominique Perrault
  2013建筑必须消失The Disappearance of Architectures
  Michael Hopkins
  图片2012文化综合体Cultural Complex
  Architecture in Transformation should respond to contemporary challenges and changes.What concerns us primarily is the relationship between architecture and city,as well as the one between architecture and natural environment.The competition aims at searching and constructing human space with a Spirit of Place in the increasingly fragmented cities and unordered villages,exploring environment-friendly and sustainable ideas in the information age,and integrating creative concepts with solid basic skills in architectural design.The competition requires the participants to make detailed insights and reflections on architectural development,explore complicated demands of the people nowadays for architecture and environment,pay attention to specific sites and the events happening in them,and configure viable and dynamic urban and architectural spaces,at the same time seek suitable techniques to guarantee the possibility of implementation of the project.
  “UIA-HYP Cup International Student Competition in Architectural Design”was initiated in 2012.It is internationally sponsored by the Union International des Architects(UIA),organized by the School of Architecture,Tianjin University and Urban Environment Design(UED)Magazine.Shanghai HYP-ARCH Architectural Design Consultant Co.Ltd.is the Exclusive Naming Sponsor.It is an annual architectural competition which has been successfully held for 9 years.Each year,the UIA-HYP Cup is chaired by an internationally renowned architectural master,and the jury panel is selected from among the world's most outstanding architects and deans from schools of architecture.To boost the architectural education which mainly focuses on basic skill training in its conventional and progressive system,UIA-HYP Cup International Student Competition takes the role as an external platform for student to embrace a brand new thinking approach in order to improve their comprehensive problem solving skill,meanwhile it is also some kind of headhunter for discovering emerging elite architects.竞赛的锣鼓已经敲响,来自国内外的评委大师已经准备就绪,你和小伙伴们还等什么,快快行动起来,点击本文左下方的“阅读原文”,或扫描二维码,登录霍普杯官方网站:HTTP://HYPCUP.UEDMAGAZINE.NET注册报名吧!▼▼▼