2021 第14届波兰Art Moves国际设计奖(Billboard Art Competition Art Moves 2021)的目的是宣传和普及广告牌艺术,鼓励艺术家从事现实艺术创作。竞赛邀请参赛艺术家准备一件或最多三件作品,表达方式由参赛选手自己决定,作品需要回应本届竞赛的主题——被谎言感染(Getting infected with untruth)。在一个充满矛盾、混乱和不确定的世界里,我们如何才能找到自己的道路?
2021 年 9 月在波兰托伦举行的艺术运动节期间,6 件最有趣的作品将在城市空间的广告牌上展示。最有趣作品的作者将获得 3.500 波兰兹罗提(约合 782.60 欧元,952.15 美元)的主要奖。
6 most interesting works will be displayed on billboards in the city space during the Art Moves Festival in September 2021 in Torun, Poland. The author of the most interesting work will receive the Main Award in the amount of PLN 3.500 (about EUR 782.60, USD 952.15).
This competition slogan can be treated as a metaphor of all the processes taking place in the world today. The Covid-19 pandemic has shown that the notion of truth is a fundamental problem in the contemporary world, posing a challenge for individuals, societies and the globalised contemporary world. Until quite recently, we did not notice this problem and it seemed to us that we could do without the concept of truth. The current global crisis connected with the pandemic has made us aware of the fact that our own subjective beliefs, opinions and feelings are not sufficient. In order to function properly, individuals and societies need something more, something that we have considered to be out of fashion and passé – objective truth. Humans’ species name is homo sapiens, which means ‘wise man’. Sticking to objective facts and referring to objective reality help us function in this complex contemporary world. Is it worth taking up the challenge of reaching the truth? Is it at all possible? How can we recognise what is true and what is false? Who is a role model that we can trust, and who is a self-proclaimed internet ‘expert’? Does each person has his/her own truth, or is there objective truth? Who and what should we believe?
For more information see the Competition Rules.
参赛选手需要提交一份有关于主题“被谎言感染(Getting infected with untruth)”的广告牌艺术作品,尺寸为横向的498 cm x 243 cm,更多要求详见竞赛官网:http://artmovesfestival.org
成果提交截止:2021年7月20日, 0:00 CET;
参赛作品的格式应为 498 厘米 x 243 厘米(196 英寸 x 95.7 英寸),水平布局,100 dpi,cmyk,tiff。
竞赛将评选6件作品,将于今年 9 月在波兰托伦市的城市空间印刷和展出,每个获奖作品将获得3,500波兰兹罗提(约合人民币5,596元)的奖金。