
发布时间:2021-08-09      截稿时间:2021-09-06      阅读量:5928次     

梦想机械人形象设计比赛,是一个以推动三维电脑塑模技术发展所举办的设计比赛。随著科技的发展,三维建模技术已广泛地应用在各行各业,包括医疗、电影、游戏产业、科学领域、建筑、工程等。活动透过以机械人形象设计为主题,公开征集设计作品,以发掘更多三维建模及设计人才。比赛每年为冠军作品,以三维打印技术製作机械人手办,并把作品应用到微电影制作及VR 技术等多媒体领域上,让优秀的作品从概念转化为能够应用到实际市场各个领域的产品。

梦想机械人形象设计比赛是全球少有的设计类赛事,过往参赛作品的创作题材广泛,包对生活危机、环境保护、传统文化保育等方面的关注而萌生的概念,除了机械人的外观美学元素,创作者更基于生活诉求为目的而创作,充份体现艺术与科技结合的魅力。随著科技发展的需求,比赛期望参赛作品在未来能应用到多个产业中,包括电影、动画、游戏、产品、VR 等多媒体领域。
Macau Animation & Comic Creators Association
1. 推动澳门三维建模及动画技术发展,并构建此领域的技术交流平台;
To promote the development of 3D modeling and animation technology in Macao, and to build an exchange platform.
2. 为优胜作品制作一部巨型机械人微电影,并加以应用到市场各领域;
Produce a set of giant robotic microfilm for the winning work and apply it to different markets.
3. 推广电脑动画后期製作;
Promote post-production of computer animation.
4. 鼓励大众不断自我增值实现梦想。
Encourage the public to continuously add value to realize their dreams.
The competition is open to people from around the world.
四、作品要求Requirements of the Entry:
1. 参加者必需使用 3D 电脑塑模软件製作机械人角色形象;
Participants must use 3D computer modeling software to create the robotic character image.
2. 递交作品只需填妥网上报名表,并把作品原始档(fbx、obj、max、ma 或 mb 格式)连同从 3D 模型档案中渲染的5张图像,上载至网络空间即可参赛;
Submit the work by simply completing the online registration form and upload the original file (fbx, obj, max, ma or mb format) together with 5 images rendered from the 3D modeling file.
3. 5张图像分别是作品的正面、侧面、背面、俯视图像及随意姿势图像,以不少于 2048x2048 像素及 300dpi 输出,并以.JPG 格式储存。
5 images should include front, side, back, top view and random pose, with no less than 2048x2048 pixels and 300dpi output in JPG format.
4. 每套作品都需独立填表一份报名表,每人最多可提交五套作品。
Each set of work must be registered and submit separately. Each participant can submit up to five sets of work.
五、作品评审准则Judging Criteria:
1. 设计意念 (25%) - 从作者提交之说明中,了解作者对角色设计时所考虑之因素、心思等而评定;
Design Concept (25%) - Assessed from the description offered by the participant.
2. 技巧展示 (25%) - 从作品中所能体现作者所运用的 3D 塑模技巧而评定;
Skills Display (25%) - Assessed from the 3D modelling skills used.
3. 创意 (50%) - 从作品之原创性及其创意而评定。
Creativity (50%) - Assessed from the originality of the work and its creativity.
Two judges from Macau or overseas
七、参赛方法To Apply:
1. 填妥网上报名表(https://www.wenjuan.com/s/fE7bMn/#),上载参赛作品即可,费用全免
Complete the online registration form and upload the entries at : https://www.wenjuan.com/s/fE7bMn/# Entry is Fee.
2. 截止日期:2021年9月6日
Deadline of Submission: Sep 6, 2021
Gold Award:  MOP 10,000 Cash(≈USD1250), Certificate of award, A garage kit of the entity and the opportunity to participate in the production of the microfilm.
Silver Award: MOP5,000 (≈USD625)Cash and Certificate of award
Bronze Award: MOP MOP2,500(≈USD312) Cash and Certificate of award
Merit Awards (3 entries): MOP 500(≈USD62) for each entry and Certificate of merit
(The exchange rate will be calculated on the day of remittance)
*The garage kit is made with the latest 3D technology. Resin materials will be used, polished by coloured by professional modellers, in order to fully present the physical appearance of the works, create unique and precious trophy for the gold medal winners.
九、颁奖典礼Awards Ceremony:
日期:2021年 10月16日 (星期六)
Date: Oct 16, 2021 (Saturday)
Venue:  CAEP Macau iCentre
1. 参赛作品必须为原创作品,不得涉及知识产权或其他法律纠纷,否则需承担一切法律责任;
Entries must be original works and must not involve intellectual property rights or other legal disputes, otherwise the participant shall bear all legal responsibilities.
2. 主办单位不会将参赛作品用作商业用途,但有权用作展览、活动宣传及教育资料; 此大赛信息来自秀设计网。
The organisers will not use the entries for commercial purposes, but has the right to use them for exhibitions, promotion and educational purposes.
3. 章程解释权归主办单位;
The organisers reserve the right to interpret the regulation.
4. 主办单位保留更改比赛规则及其它安排的权利(包括奖品),无需先行通知参赛者;
The organisers reserve the right to change the rules of the competition and other arrangements (including prizes) without prior notice to the participants.
5. 参赛作品一经递交,即视为同意本章程及所有规则。
The entry is deemed to be in agreement with the regulation and all rules once submitted the application form.


