大赛主题本届双年展将向全球艺术院校师生、专业设计师和相关爱好者征集以下二个展项的主题海报设计:1.“见”【INSIGHT】—— 具有看到、看见、显见、会面的涵义,又有洞见、洞悉、明达、敏锐之意……,强调设计与人、社会、环境、自然的连结,通过设计,实现创新成为第一维度的可持续动力!2. 自由主题海报
征集背景上海·亚洲平面设计双年展已经走到第六届。她不仅是一个比赛, 也是展示中国新生设计力量,集合全球优秀设计和设计教育资源的赋能平台。第六届双年展是在全球新冠疫情以后的首次召开,除了征集具有独特创意的图形设计作品,对于人们如何看待疫情期间人与人、人与社会、人与病菌、人与自然的关系将是本次双年展探讨的主题。本次双年展鼓励每个人真实的表达自己的感受,发现、洞见疫情期间以及后疫情时代下,人类如何可持续发展的问题。
国际评审团韩秉华(香港著名设计师)刘华智(澳门著名设计师)古平正义(日本著名设计师)DarylJoseph Moore(美国威廉帕特森大学传媒与设计学院院长,教授)PeterLloyd(英国索伦特大学艺术设计&时尚学院院长,教授)
媒体支持中国美术报、艺术博览、视觉中国、古田路 9 号、陆俊毅设计现场、优酷视频
作品征集要求:1.本次展览征集作品的内容需健康向上,不得侵犯各国文化或道德规范,必须符合本届双年展作品主题的平面设计作品。2.每件参展作品的电子文档技术参数:作品幅面60X90CM,像素精度150dpi以上,CMYK,文件格式为JPG格式(用于作品打印);同时递交预览文件RGB格式, 文件大小不超过2M(用于线上展示),如果对印刷有特殊要求的,可以自行印刷邮寄给组委会。3.每位作者最多只能提交三件作品(系列作品算一件)。4.线上投稿原截止日为2022年1月31日,现延迟至2022年2月28日,下载报名表格http://www.sagdshanghai.org/s/19-SAGD.docx 同作品一起提交,投稿邮箱: info@sagdshanghai.org;入选作品将在2022年3月25日后在官方网页和相关媒体公布,并通知作者。5.作品评选及展览不收取任何费用。
The 6th Shanghai Biennial of Asia Graphic Design 2022
Since 2011, The Shanghai Biennial of Asia Graphic Design has been held for five occasions. This time is different to theprevious ones, as we all suffered from the global pandemic and experiencedreunion joy of old friends and family bereavement. Therefore, besidescollecting unique graphic design works, how people treat the people-people,people-society, people-pathogen, and people-nature relationships during thepandemic is also a topic explored by design in this occasion. The 6th ShanghaiBiennial of Asia Graphic Design aims to provide global creative designers,teachers, and students for an integration platform with creativity, seminar andeducation.
Two themesThe 6th Shanghai Biennial ofAsia Graphic Design 2022 willcollect the outstanding theme-related posters from designers, teacher, studentsand amateurs around the world to bring their understandings for the theme.
1. INSIGHTThe theme meaning of the contest is to encourage people to haveintrospection, and at the meantime, to observe, think, discover and communicatefrom different angles and dimensions. It emphasizes the connection betweendesign and people, society, environment and nature.2. Free theme posterThere is no limit to the themes, but it shouldbe with positive sense and strong graphic form.
Prize25 mostfavourite works will be selected.
International jury memberHon BingWah (China, HongKong, Famous designer)Huazhi Liu (China, Macau, Famous Designer)Masayoshi Kodaira (Japan, Famous designer)Daryl Joseph Moore (Dean of the College Of theArts And Communication, William Paterson University, US, Professor)Peter Lloyd (Dean of the School of Art, Designand Fashion, Solent University, UK, Professor)
Director:Zhehu LiExecutor:ZhengguangShi, Bin Ding, Tao Zhang, Hui Wang, Xi ZhangCo-producer:XiaojunRen, Yanhua Huang, Xiaoling Dai, Wenxia Wang, Guang Yang, Lan Li, Guoqiao Qiu,Xianglan Shi, Dandan Zhou, Shu Tang, Chaochun Che, Bing Ling, Pu Chen
Media supporterArt News of China, Art Expo, Visual China, www.gtn9.com, Lu Junyi Design, YOUKU
Official websitehttp://www.sagdshanghai.org/
Wechat official accountSAGD2017
LanguageChinese, English.
HostTongji University Shanghai InternationalInstitute of Design & InnovationThe Organizing Committee of the 6th ShanghaiBiennial of Asia Graphic Design 2022OrganizerSchool of the Art and Design, Shanghai Instituteof Technology
SupportersCollege of Design and Innovation, TongjiUniversityCollege of Fashion and Design, DonghuaUniversitySchool of Art Design and Media, East ChinaUniversity of Science and TechnologySchool of Art and Design, Shanghai University ofEngineering ScienceFine Arts College of Shanghai Normal UniversityCollege of Communication and Art Design,University of Shanghai for Science and TechnologySchool of Art Design, Shanghai Business CollegeShanghai Institute of Visual ArtsSchool of Media & Design, Shanghai Jiao TongUniversityCollege of Applied Art & Design, ShanghaiPolytechnic UniversitySchool of Design, Nanjing University of the ArtsJingdezhen Ceramic InstituteSchool of Art, Suzhou UniversitySchool of Art, Suzhou Vocational UniversityShandong University of Art & DesignShandong University of ArtsSolent University, UKWilliam Paterson University, US
Rules and Regulations1. The work should NOT offend against diverse cultures of all Asia countries or shouldNOT be immoralism. The work SHOULD be positive theme-related.2. Submit files of works: 60X90cm in size*, morethan 150 dpi, JPEG, a color model CMYK for printing. RGB, NO MORE THAN 2MBfor presentation online.*If the participant requires the special size forthe work, please print and post it to the Organizing Committee.3. Eachapplicant is allowed to submit at most THREEworks. (Serial work counts for one).4.The deadline for online submission is 31th.Jan2022. (The deadline for online submissionwill be postponed to 28th. February 2022). Please findthe application form at http://www.sagdshanghai.org/s/19-SAGD.docx;please send the application form along with the files of work to info@sagdshanghai.org;Theaccepted participants will be contacted after 25th. March 2022 and the workwill be presented on the official web and related media.5. Noapplication fee.
Contact details and mail addressThe Secretariat of the Organizing Committee for the 6th Shanghai Biennial of Asia Graphic Design 2022School of the Art and Design, Shanghai Institute of TechnologyNo.120 Caobao Road, Shanghai, China
Postcode: 200233E-mail: info@sagdshanghai.orgContactperson: Guang Yang, Wenxia Wang, Xianglan ShiTel: 0086-13512141611、0086-13816399668、0086-13122332912
Exhibition time and placeTBD (http://www.sagdshanghai.org)
Copyright1.Participants should take full responsibility for any consequence of copyrightinfringement. Once any copyright infringement is found, the qualification of participating will be cancelled.2.Entries are not refundable.Participating designers consent to the use of images of their artworks by The Organizing Committee of the 6th Shanghai Biennial Exhibition of Asia GraphicDesign 2022 for promotional purposes.
NoteAll authors nominated will receive anexhibition certificate and a collection of “The 6th Shanghai Biennial of Asia Graphic Design 2022”. Please leave your correct postal address.The Organizing Committee for the 6th Shanghai Biennial of Asia GraphicDesign 2022
Feb. 2022