2022第十届上汽设计国际挑战赛任务书 Design Task

发布时间:2022-03-02      截稿时间:2022-03-31      阅读量:8930次     

  未来印象」[Future Impresion]
  A glance at China,
  A glance at technology,
  A glance at future.
  回顾过去,航天技术带来的太空探索潮,信息技术带来的元宇宙热……人们对未来的幻想总会受到每个时代科技的启发和影响。现在,我们正站在人类曾经畅想中的时间点上,或许如今的世界并非是曾经想象中的模样,但我们的思想不会就此停下,因为好奇是人类与生俱来的本能。请带着一颗赤子之心,去构建你眼中的未来世界吧。Looking back on the past,the space exploration tide brought by space technology and the meta cosmic fever brought by information technology...People's fantasies about the future will always be inspired and influenced by science and technology in each era.Now,we are standing on the time point that human beings once imagined.Maybe the world today is not what we once imagined,but our thoughts will not stop here,because curiosity is an innate instinct of human beings.Please build the future world in your eyes with a pure heart.
  In a context where the automotive landscape is heavily influenced by Chinese progress and proliferation of technology.The car has become an ultra-connected device that goes beyond pure mobility by representing a person,a family or even a country.Digging deeper into vibrant Chinese values,symbols and spirit,use cutting-edge technologies to create a very personal lifestyles vehicle to showcase the new Wave of Automotive Design.DESIGN A PERSONAL LIFESTYLE VEHICLE TO SERVE AS A MANIFESTO FOR CHINA’S SPIRIT IN THE NEW ERA.
  Technology has rapidly become an enabler and window for personal expression.The strengthening bond between human essence and tech innovation gives us a new space to express ourselves,experiment andexplore our past our present and our future.Cybester is the latest forward-looking MG interpretation of this new Metaverse wave where sports and gaming blend and progress.What’s next?CREATE THE NEW MG HALO,SHOWCASE THE NEXT CHAPTER,Use VIRTUAL SUB-CULTURES AND TECH MUTATIONS TO(RE)-AWAKEN THE PASSION FOR SPORTS CARS.
  As times change,design evolves from functional application creating and enhancing experiences.The role of high-performance technology is to bring positive changes and meaningful solutions to our world.Imagine a technological Utopian World where the vehicle can evolve from mobility to responsibility.HOW CAN WE USE PROGRESSIVE AESTHETICS TO DEFINE THE NEW EFFORTLESS HERO VEHICLE,CAPABLE OF A journey REVOLUTION?
  期待新一届大赛新的中国汽车设计力量,让世人看到中国的美好未来!Looking forward to the new Chinese automobile design forcein the new competition,Let the world see China's bright future!上汽设计国际挑战赛组委会2022年2月SAIC DESIGN CHALLENGE Organizing CommitteeFebruary 2022