
发布时间:2022-07-17      截稿时间:2022-07-25      阅读量:8684次     
  Promote the healthy development of festival culture creative industry,dig culture symbol value,in order to further improve the image of the nantong international beer festival,sponsored by the nantong international beer festival organizing committee of the first beer culture creative design week bears quoted invitational exhibition invited domestic and foreign well-known design workers participate in the design,intended to nourish culture in art vitality and expand the nantong international beer festival brand influence.
  The poster design is based on elements that reflect the river,the city,sports,beer,music,the regional characteristics and the rich history and culture of the Nantong International Beer Festival,but also show the spirit of the new era,highlight the personality,realize the ideological,artistic,appreciative,contemporary and communication elements for the creation of the poster.
  海外合作单位Overseas Cooperation
  China Europe International Design Culture Association(CEIDA)
  Calanca Switzerland Biennale 2023
  Swiss new POSTER gallery
  Peace-loving Innovators of Nations
  征集方式Collect way
  Each artist invited to participate will receive a certificate and The outstanding works will be exhibited at the Nantong Binjiang Sea of Flowers in China in 2022.
  设计要求Design requirement
  7、提交邮箱:2921791295 qq.com
  1.The scope of creation:illustrations,fonts,graphics and all other graphic design in the form of posters.
  2.The creation should give full consideration to recognition,culture and artistry.
  3.The creation should consider the wide range of audience,advocate elegant and popular,science and art integration of the work.
  4.Specifications of the work:70*100cm(vertical),300dpi,CMYK,JPEG format,file no larger than 10mb.
  5.To submit the work,a portrait photograph of the author and a registration form for the work.Please use RAR or ZIP compression package,file name:country+author+work name(e.g.China+Zhang San+Beer Music Festival)
  6、Download the registration form:http://qr61.cn/oV9dOd/qzinfiI
  7、Submitted by email:2921791295 qq.com
  25 July 2022
  ‍展览地点Exhibition site
  展览时间Exhibition time
  29 July 2022-7 August 2022
  展览声明Exhibition statement
  The copyright of the entries shall be owned by the applicants,and the organizer shall have the right of use for exhibition,publication and publicity purposes.No works shall be returned.
  1.All the exhibited works shall be original works.If the works in the exhibition violate copyright,trademark,patent and other relevant laws and regulations or infringe the rights and interests of third parties,the authors shall bear the legal responsibility by themselves.
  2.The exhibition Organizing Committee has the right to display,publish and other forms of promotion,publicity,exhibition and reproduction of selected works;
  3.Once plagiarism or other infringement is found,the organizer will cancel the exhibition qualification and withdraw the selection certificate.Any legal disputes arising therefrom shall be borne by the author himself.
  4.The organizing Committee reserves the right to explain the contents involved in the exhibition.

