2023年Couture Design Awards珠宝设计奖获奖作品公布

发布时间:2023-09-04      阅读量:3622次     
  Winner Spotlight:Couture Design Awards 2023
  Presenter Liebe Gamble of June Simmons Jewelry with Amy and Alfredo from Aletto Brothers and Gannon Brousseau,Director,COUTURE
  2023年设计奖还的总监Gannon Brousseau宣布庆祝活动开幕,“我只是喜欢我能成为庆祝的一部分,你们的创造力,你们的才华,你们的激情和热情,以及你们每年为进入CAUTURE而付出的所有辛勤工作。这是你们的夜晚;我们是来庆祝你们的!”2023年的Cindy Edelstein授予了约翰·格林,因其有增无减的热情、对设计师的持续支持和指导以及对行业的奉献而受到表彰。
  2023年Couture Design Awards珠宝设计奖获奖名单公布
  Best in Gold:
  1st Place:Viltier
  2nd Place:CADAR
  3rd Place:IsabelleFa
  Best in Colored Gems Above$40,000 Retail:
  1st Place:Aletto Brothers
  2nd Place:Tangarart JULLS
  Best in Colored Gems Under$40,000 Retail:
  1st Place:Kamyen
  2nd Place:Cicada
  3rd Place:Sylva&Cie.
  Best in Bridal:
  1st Place:Retrouvaí For Future Reference
  2nd Place:Bea Bongiasca MUSE
  3rd Place:Phillips House
  Best in Diamonds Below$40,000 Retail:
  1st Place:ONDYN
  2nd Place:Eva Fehren
  3rd Place:64Facets
  Best in Diamonds Above$40,000:
  1st Place:ETHO MARIA
  2nd Place:Busatti 1947
  3rd Place:MATTIOLI
  Best in Haute Couture:
  1st Place:Maison Alix Dumas
  2nd Place:Messika
  3rd Place:Victor Velyan
  Best in Pearls:
  1st Place:Persée Paris
  2nd Place:NOMIS
  3rd Place:Amrapali London
  Best in Platinum:
  1st Place:Sorellina
  2nd Place:Henrich&Denzel GmbH
  3rd Place:TenThousandThings
  Best in Below$10,000 Retail:
  1st Place:NeverNoT
  2nd Place:Stephen Webster
  3rd Place:VAN MUSE
  Best in Innovative:
  1st Place:Marie Lichtenberg
  2nd Place:Studio Renn
  3rd Place:PERUFFO
  Best in Debuting:
  1st Place:PERUFFO
  2nd Place:Maison Alix Dumas
  3rd Place:Alexandra Rosier
  Best in Editors’Choice
  1st Place:Ten Thousand Things
  2nd Place:Gismondi1754
  3rd Place:PERUFFO
  Best in People’s Choice:
  1st Place:PERUFFO
  2nd Place:Vendorafa
  3rd Place:David Oscarson
  法国珠宝商Maison Alix Dumas凭借一枚新艺术运动风格「Magnolia」玉兰花胸针获得「最佳高级珠宝奖」;

  Maison Alix Dumas的获奖胸针以玉兰花为设计主题,巧妙通过新珠宝材质和工艺诠释「新艺术运动风格」(Art Nouveau)——设计师塑造出7枚立体的玉兰花花瓣,中央3片由金色钛金属制作,外圈运用镀黑银塑造出4片镂空雕刻的花瓣,镶嵌粉紫色调尖晶石营造出梦幻渐变色,黄金花托垂落镶嵌一颗三角形切割钻石,随着佩戴闪亮摇曳。
