
发布时间:2019-08-14      截稿时间:2019-11-05      阅读量:9764次     

  Worldwide Solicitation For
  Futian District Central Business Circle Logo&Slogan
  Shenzhen is one of the four central cities on the blueprint of the Guangdong,Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area(GBA).It plays a major role in promoting the cooperation and development of economy,science,technology and culture in GBA.Futian,located at the center of GBA,has been serving as a pioneer in reform and innovation.It is home to Shenzhen municipal government and its central business district.Futian is the geographical,administrative,financial,cultural,commercial,and international exchange center of Shenzhen.It has won many titles including“one of China's three financial centers”,“global headquarters economic cluster”,“global intelligent terminal innovation center”,and“international cultural and creative center”.
  A quote of"blessed lakes and mountains with fertile farmlands"is often used to describe Futian as a geomantic and treasured land with great natural advantages.With the time passing by,Futian has developed from an area of farmland and tidal flats to the most beautiful skyline of Shenzhen,and is developing into a world-class“urban reception hall”.There are changes coming rapidly more than ever before,such as technological breakthroughs,knowledge iterations and order restructuring.New ideas,models and patterns are springing up rapidly...The new wave of information technology and the value-for-face revolution is catalyzing the multiple upgrades of globalization.
  In order to achieve the great integration and improvement of public facilities,smart management,consumption environment,service products,and brand values of Futian,we propose to build a well-known brand for the district both at home and abroad to fully display the brand-new international image of Futian,inject new vitality,and charter a new course for the development of urban business circle system in Shenzhen and even to the whole world.This“Worldwide Solicitation For Futian District Central Business Circle Logo&Slogan”is thus launched tofully promote the brand upgrade of Futian Commercial District and lead it to become the sign for the city image in the new era.
  The presentation of creativity is constantly innovated and defined when facing with different relationships between individuals,people and objects,time andspace,space and space.The business circle is not only a space for gathering and exchanging all resources,but also a practice and exploration of the current urban ideology and the development of future business.How will the city change from the perspective of time?How will we predict the gravity of the regional center with a far-sighted vision?
  We are expecting a unique visual and linguistic recognition for Futian that transcends boundaries,languages and value concepts and reaches the audience at all levels.Let us explore the infinite possibilities of development and innovation of the central business district!
  Grand Prix Award:1 award x reward,¥60,000
  Excellent Award:5 awardsxreward,¥6,000
  Network Popularity Award:1awardsxreward,¥3,000
  Grand Prix Award:1 award x reward,¥20,000
  Excellent Award:5 awardsxreward,¥2,000
  Network Popularity Award:1awardxreward,¥1,000
  *Note:The above money prizes are all pre-tax
  Nov 05,2019
  *Note:1.The above money prizes are all pre-taxin Chinese Yuan;if there is no eligible proposal,the award may remain vacant;2.The prize for a team shall be shared by all team members and distributed through friendly negotiation.The organizerand co-organizer bear no liabilities in this regard.
  项目全称Full name of the project
  Worldwide Solicitation For Futian District Central Business Circle Logo&Slogan
  征集对象Open for
  Designers and design teams all over the world
  Publicity Department of the CPC Futian District Committee of Shenzhen
  Shenzhen Graphic Design Association
  支持机构Supported by
  Visual Communication Design Department of THU
  School of Design,CAA
  School of Visual Arts Design,GAFA
  School of Design Art,SCFAI
  Faculty of Humanities and Arts,MUST
  College of Design Shenzhen University
  School of Design Art,Shenzhen Polytechnic
  Shenzhen Institute&Information Technology
  支持媒体Media Support
  Shenzhen Economic Daily
  Design 360
  Lu Junyi_Design Live
  作品提交方式及要求Submission methods and requirements
  2、所有提交的标志设计作品需包含完整中英文名称“福田区中心商圈Futian District Central Business Circle”与LOGO的基本组合方式,并做到图文并茂,有完成度较高的形象表现力和艺术感染力。
  3、所有作品需提交PDF格式电子文件,或精度为300dpi的JPG格式图片文件,白底,提交作品尺寸为210mm×210mm;作品图⽚上任何地⽅不能出现姓名或机构名称。连同按要求填写的《报名表》《参赛承诺书》下载链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/11uj9bBFRGTeWaU-k-DOAAA密码:mdme,以电子邮件方式一并发至组委会官方邮箱:ftcbc_ls 163.com。
  1.LOGO and slogan designs should reflect the positioning of Futian CBD,be in line with the spirit of the city,and fully consider the characteristics,industries,culture,functions and other features of Futian CBD.The theme shall be distinctive and highlight the features of the time.Designers are required to participate in the campaign with new logo design proposals or slogans in writtentext.(*In case of any resemblances,the slogan which comes earlier shall prevail.)
  2.All submitted logo designs must include the complete combination of LOGO with the Chinese and English names“福田区中心商圈Futian District Central Business Circle”,be well illustrated and have a high level of image expression and artistic appeal.
  3.All designs must be submitted in the formof PDF format files,or JPG format files at 300dpi,with white background in the size of 210mm×210mm;names or organization names are not allowed to appear on the designs.The Application Form and Letter of Commitment(Link:https://pan.baidu.com/s/11uj9bBFRGTeWaU-k-DOAAA,Password:mdme),shall be submitted together with the designs to the official email of the organizing committee atftcbc_ls 163.com.
  4.All designs must be submitted in the same e-mail,specifying the detailed information in the form of text and in the following order:applicant's name,organization,region,contact information(telephone,mobile phone,e-mail),creative instructions.(*Set up automatic replies to ensure the specification)
  5.All submitted designs must be the original works done by the applicant,who shall bear full legal responsibilities for the title and copyright of his or her works.For disputesarising from any infringement upon the intellectual property rights of others,the applicant shall bear full legal and civil responsibilities.The jury panel has the right to reject the works suspected of plagiarism.Once discovered,such applicant will be disqualified and the money prize,if already paid,must be refunded.
  评审时间Time for review
  Nov 09,2019
  网络评选Network review
  Nov 11,2019-Nov 16,2019
  结果公布Result announcement
  Nov 18,2019
  The ones who design to participate in the activity
  Please read the detailed requirements carefully
  And directly submit your work to the Email of the Organizing Committee
  ftcbc_ls 163.com