
发布时间:2019-10-25      阅读量:22102次     
  Evaluation report of Tender for the Shenzhenchildren's hospital urban design and science&education building total design
  Review of Tender for the Shenzhen children's hospital urban design and science&education building total design(project number:44030020180309003)was held on October 13,2019.
  此次评标委员会由招标人随机抽取的7名评标专家董永青、焦洋、林之刚、Daniel Pauli、张曙辉、钟兵、朱竞翔组成(按姓氏拼音排序),经评标专家一致推选钟兵为评标组长。评审采用记名投票法(逐轮淘汰)。
  The bid assessment committee has chosen seven experts randomly by the tenderer,Dong Yongqing,Jiao Yang,Lin Zhigang,Danielh Pauli,Zhang Shuhui,Zhong Bing,and Zhu Jingxiang(Sort by last name),and Zhong Bing has been chosen to be the team leader.The review and evaluation has been performed by registered voting through elimination round-by-round.
  In accordance with the requirements of the Tender Documents,the Review Committee have heard the site presentations of the five Tenderers and made detailed review and in-depth discussions,providing comments and suggestions respectively.
  Through total 3 rounds of voting and evaluation,the Review Committee determine unanimously the candidate East China Architectural Design And Research Institute(ECADI),B+H CONSULTING HOLDINGS INC.(B+H)with the 1st ranking as the bid-winner candidate.
  The final evaluation results are as follows:
  排序Ranking‍投标人名称Tenderers方案编号No.of Design Proposals
  East China Architectural Design And Research Institute(ECADI),B+H CONSULTING HOLDINGS INC.(B+H)
  Beijing Institute of Architectural Design(BIAD),INTELLIGENT DESIGN FOR EMERGING ARCHITECTURE(HONGKONG)LIMITED(iDEA),HCD International LLC(HCD International)1
  China Academy of Building Research(CABR),TONG YUAN DESIGN GROUP CO.,LTD 3
  Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University CO.LTD(THAD)5
  East China Architectural Design And Research Institute(ECADI)/B+H CONSULTING HOLDINGS INC.(B+H)
  The program provides a vision type of closer integration between wards and translational research centers.It is a far-reaching functional innovation that,if successfully implemented,will be of great demonstration value;
  The scheme captures the landscape characteristics of the site,including the open expression of the corner and the garden on the roof.It also has a dialogue with the multiple interfaces of the city,especially the view expression of the landscape on the north side.In a clever way to shape twofold images:the city's architecture is also the architecture of the landscape;
  The ground floor plan contributes valuable peripheral space to the city,and the ground floor has good traffic.The public space is shaped on the east from the south to the north,open and friendly to the city,and the material treatment is simple and exquisite;
  ●本方案功能系用水平与垂直灵活布局方式;同时提供大进深空间与带型空间的双重选择。项目结构适合未来调整和发展;The function of this scheme is to use horizontal and vertical flexible layout.At the same time,it provides the double choice of deep space and belt space.The project structure is suitable for future adjustment and development;●项目关注儿童,内部空间人性化,利用屋顶花园,充分利用挑台,创造出大量小型活动空间,符合儿童生理、心理特点。The project focuses on children,and the internal space is humanized.The roof garden is used to make full use of the platform to create a large number of small activity space,which conforms to the physical and psychological characteristics of children.第二名No.2
  -北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司/汇城建筑设计(香港)有限公司/汇城国际建筑设计咨询事务所-Beijing Institute of Architectural Design(BIAD)/INTELLIGENTDESIGN FOR EMERGING ARCHITECTURE(HONGKONG)LIMITED(iDEA)/HCD International LLC(HCD International)
  -中国建筑科学研究院有限公司/同圆设计集团有限公司-China Academy of Building Research(CABR)/TONG YUAN DESIGN GROUP CO.,LTD
  -清华大学建筑设计研究院有限公司-Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University CO.LTD(THAD)
  -同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司/吉毕碧恩建筑设计咨询(北京)有限公司-GBBN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CONSULTING(BEIJING)CO.,LTD(GBBN)/Tongji Architectural Design(Group)Co.,Ltd(TJAD)
  注:正式公告以深圳市住房和建设局工程交易服务主页相关公告为准Note:the official announcement is subject to the relevant announcement of the home page of shenzhen housing and construction bureau深圳市住房和建设局工程交易服务主页方案评审结果公示链接:Shenzhen housing and construction bureau project transaction service homepage project evaluation result public link:
  institutional framework

  主办方:深圳市儿童医院Sponsor:shenzhen children's hospital协办方:深圳市建筑工务署工程设计管理中心Co-organizer:engineering design management center of shenzhen construction works department监督方:深圳市规划和自然资源局福田管理局Supervisor:futian administration of shenzhen municipal bureau of planning and natural resources组织方:深圳市观筑建筑发展交流中心Organizer:ATU architectural development communication center

