2020第11届法国Poster For Tomorrow国际海报节征集作品

发布时间:2020-02-12      截稿时间:2020-05-20      阅读量:10458次     
  2020 Poster For Tomorrow
  2020第11届法国Poster For Tomorrow国际海报节征集
  The theme is:Fake News
  Fake News-2020 Vision|Call for Entries is open!
  Fake News-2020 Vision.
  We are pleased to announce that poster for tomorrow's 11th edition,“Fake News–2020 Vision”,is now officially open.You have until Wednesday the 20th May to enter the contest and submit your poster entries to our website.
  Perhaps the least said about fake news,the better.There is,sadly,no escaping it,literally or figuratively,but that doesn’t mean that we can’t do anything about it.Whatever your politics or beliefs,it is only facts and open debate that will help us move forward together,instead of further entrench us in our positions as fake news intends.
  Reducing the carbon footprint of our judging process
  To reduce our carbon footprint we will organise our live judging sessions to coincide with a international design event.In this way we can assemble the jurors without asking them to make another significant journey.This year the judging will take place in Lecce,Italy in partnership with"Conversazioni sul futuro",We are very grateful for the festival's support.
  We would like to thank Yang Liu who kindly accepted to lead our visual campaign.To see more of her artwork,please click here.
  We are also happy to announce that our 2020 edition is supported by the French Ministry of Culture.
  The full brief in different languages,regulations and more tips are available for download in several languages here.
  Competition:Februray 10th.-May 20th.
  Preselection jury:July 20th.-September 10th
  Live Jury live:Octobre 22nd 2020
  Biennale Program:May 2021


