发布时间:2020-03-28      截稿时间:2020-05-07      阅读量:23847次     

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  城市的迷人之处正是在于它的复杂性(Complexity),这种复杂性不仅体现在各种各样功能、人群、故事交织在同一空间,更体现在时间维度上不断生长和变化的需求。设计师们善于捕捉这种“变化”,在全球许多城市微更新(Urban Micro Regeneration)的案例中,来自各种领域的设计师化腐朽为神奇,在平凡中创造惊喜,在满足新的需求的同时,创造了新的生活体验。
  你将会如何利用这个空间?除了“疏散通道”外,这里是否还可能是一个博物馆、快闪潮店(pop up store)、创新工坊等等?我们欢迎来自建筑、室内、交互、服务、艺术设计等专业的学生和设计师参与这次头脑风暴,为这个城市带来令人眼前一亮的惊喜!我们期待看到你大胆的创意和想法,以及雄心勃勃的计划!
  24°58 30.9"N 102°44 32.5"E
  Jury Members
  陈易Dr.Yi Chen
  Dr.Javier Fernández Contreras
  《Fragmentos de Planta y Espacio》作者
  《The Miralles Projection》作者
  洛桑Scènes de Nuit展联合策展人
  邓武Dr.Wu Deng
  Simone Rebaudengo
  Dr.Hiroyuki Shinohara
  Andrew Millar
  Megan Connolly
  ChART Contemporary(北京/香港/纽约)创始人
  Benny Hong
  Daren Industry Group Hong Kong Research Center
  TUBE 8x8x300
  Complexity makes the attractiveness of cities,while the attractiveness is not only from diverse functions,people and story mingled in certain place,but also the constantly changing of needs over time.Designers is a group who have a sharp eye of these‘changes’.In the processes of global Urban Micro Regeneration,many cases which turned dust into glory,converted ordinary into extraoridinary,fullfilled the new needs and made new life experience are brought by designers from various feilds.
  In city Kunming(Capital of Yunnan Province,China),there is an evacuation passageway which is 8m in height 8m in width totally 300m in length,connecting several sunken entrance plazas of a big underground shopping mall.This evacuation passageway,giant in volume,center of this site,should be functioned more than just an evacuation tube.We look forward to innovative ideas which can make this passageway an attractive place,and moreover,part of daily life of the communities nearby and the whole city.
  How will you renovate this space?Chould it be a museum,a place with pop up store or a workshop center with innovation grograms?Designers and students from fields of architecture,interior design,interaction design,service design,art etc are welcome to this conceptual competition,surprising the city with exciting ideas!We are expecting your creative views and ambitious plan!
  Candidates may respond from perspectives of spacial design,interaction design,service design etc(or mix of them),and choose the whole or part of the passageway as site for your proposal.
  24°58 30.9"N 102°44 32.5"E
  1st Place:1 entrie x¥50,000
  2nd Place:2 entries x¥10,000
  3rd Place:3 entries x¥5,000
  honorable mention:20 entries(Cerification+Publication)
  Finalist:50 entries(Certification+Publication)
  *Tax included
  2.All the awards entries will be exhibited on site in July and August,and published on media.
  Innovation in renovating the space
  Attractiveness to citizens and visitors
  Technical feasibility
  Clearity of visual presentation
  Dr.Yi Chen
  Professor,Tongji University
  National 1st Class Registered Architect
  Visiting Professor,UNIPV,Italy
  Committee members,Environmental Art Design,Chinese Artists Association
  Dr.Javier Fernández Contreras
  Dean&Associate professor,Department of Interior Architecture at HEAD–Genève,Switzerland.
  Author,Fragmentos de Planta y Espacio(Ediciones Asimétricas,2019)
  Author,The Miralles Projection(Oro Editions,2020)
  Nomination,Design Prize Switzerland
  Co-curator,Scènes de Nuit exhibition at f’ar Lausanne
  Dr.Wu Deng
  Associate Professor in Sustainable Architecture,University of Nottingham
  Head of the Sustainable Built Environment Research Group,Department of Architecture and Built Environment,Faculty of Science and Engineering
  Certified Passive House Designer,Passive House Institute in Germany
  Simone Rebaudengo
  Founding Partner,
  Former Principal Designer,Designworks A BMW Group Company
  Visiting Lecturer,Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design
  Dr.Hiroyuki Shinohara
  Assistant professor&Course Director(Arch),University of Nottingham
  Former Director of Design Practice,Perkins+Will,Shanghai,
  PhD in Architecture,Nagoya Institute of Technology,Japan
  Master of Architecture(advanced placement),Harvard GSD,USA
  Andrew Millar
  Service and Interaction Design Consultant,UK
  Mentor,London College of Communication,UK
  Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts,UK
  MDes Service Design Innovation,London College of Communication,UK
  Youge Xiao
  Design Lead,YITU Tech
  Former Interaction Designer,Frog(Amsterdam&Shanghai)
  Honers Master of Strategic Product Design,TU Delft
  Megan Connolly
  Founder,ChART Contemporary Beijing,Hong Kong,New York,China and USA
  Art Consultant,Audemars Piguet
  Former Art Consultant,Sotheby’s,Hong Kong and New York
  Benny Hong
  Director,Daren Industry Group Hong Kong Research Center
  Partner,Shanghai Daren Construction Engineering Company Exchange PhD Student,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,USALab:Laboratory of Manufacturing and Productivity
  Registration deadline:7 May 2020 23:59 UTC+8
  Submission deadline:7 May 2020 23:59 UTC+8
  Evaluation:8-18 May 2020
  Winners announcement:20 May 2020
  Exhibition:July-August 2020
  Resources of site:
  Link for downloading dwg files,on-site photos,etc.will be sent after your registration.
  Things to submit:
  One digital poster(landscape layout,800mm x 450m,300dpi,RGB mode/JPG format,maximum file size 20M),named as your registration number.For example:0102.jpg
  A description of your project(no longer than 500 words in English,chinese translation is optional,doc format),named as your registration number-statement.For example:0102-statement.doc
  A description of your team(in English,or English+Chinese,doc format,template file will be sent with resources of site),named as your registration number-team.For example:0102-team.doc
  English or English+Chinese.
  Please submit your proposal to tube_competition,and entitle your email Submission-your registration number.For example:Submission-0102
  Registration Form
  Scan to register
  OR through the link:
  Registration fee:FREE
  *Registration number will be sent through Email in 1-2 working days after registration;
  *One registration=one submission;
  *Participants may submit various projects but must register each entry.
  *Team and individual participant are acceptable(5 participants per team maximum).
  Contact Information
  Daren Industry Group Hong Kong Research Center
  Daren Industry Group Hong Kong Research Center is devoted to design nnovation such as architecture design,interior design,landscape design,indutrial design,etc.and technology developing&consulting such as building energy,artificial intellegence,environmental technology and financial technology.

  Daren Industry Group Hong Kong Research Center
