「靜與動 — 香港國際海報三年展2020」作品徵集

发布时间:2020-03-30      截稿时间:2020-09-30      阅读量:7900次     
  查詢電郵:triennial lcsd.gov.hk
  "Still&Motion—Hong Kong International Poster Triennial 2020"Call for Entry
  Jointly presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Hong Kong Designers Association
  Organised by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum
  The international poster design competition is now open for submission!
  Designers and creative individuals from all over the world are invited to submit entries.No entry fee is required.
  Since its début in 2001,the Hong Kong International Poster Triennial,now in its seventh edition,has honoured the greatest poster designs from around the globe.The event comprises three major parts:a competition,exhibition and symposium.The international poster design competition will be organised under four categories:"Ideology","Promotion of Cultural Events","Commercial and Advertising"and"Animated Poster".In addition to printed posters,the competition welcomes the submission of animated posters to record poster development.The works of the winners and finalists will be exhibited at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum and published in the exhibition catalogue.
  Submission Deadline:30 September 2020
  Competition Details:http://www.postertriennial.hk
  Enquiry:triennial lcsd.gov.hk