
发布时间:2020-07-08      截稿时间:2020-07-15      阅读量:6211次     
  The artist infuses the soul into the stone to make it soft and alive,so that the soul can fully penetrate into the material of nature and make it subject to its own control.
  ——Hegel Aesthetics
  The other side of the mirrorSculpture Collection 2020
  展览名称Exhibition:镜子的另一边The other side of the mirror
  组织机构Organized by:金奥天空美术馆SKY ART MUSEUM艺术互动PAN-NATIONAL ARTS
  (Specific date to be notified.)
  展览地点Location:中国·南京·金奥天空美术馆Sky Art Museum in Nanjing,China
  统筹Overall Planning:何洁Cindy He作品征集Collection:1.凡从事当代雕塑艺术创作的中青年艺术创作者均可参加All young artists engaged in the creation of contemporary art can apply.
  General Works:The size and width of sculpture works are limited within 180cm,the material is solid and not easy to damage,and special size can be coordinated with the organizing committee.
  4.被选中参展的作者,自行承担雕塑的包装费用,主办方承担运输费用。The selected authors will bear the packaging cost of the sculpture and the organizer will bear the transportation cost.
  Note:We do not charge on the application.
  作品评选Evaluation And Screening Of Art Works:由镜子的另一面·雕塑展组委会进行评选;并按照相关要求,从评选入围作品中确定10件入展作品,参加展览并签署展览协议。The other side of the mirror·Sculpture Collection 2020 Organizing Committee will select and select 10 entries from the shortlisted works according to relevant requirements,participate in the exhibition and sign the exhibition agreement.
  选送通道How To Apply:准备资料:Preparation:●作品信息(名称/尺寸/材质/创作时间/版数/作品市场销售价格)Art Works Information:(Name/Size/Material/Creation Time/Edition/Market Prices)
  ●作品图片(分辨率不低于300PPI)Art Works Image(With resolution ratio above 300PPI)
  ●艺术家个人照片(分辨率不低于300PPI)Self Portrait of Artists(With resolution ratio above 300PPI)
  ●艺术家简历(教育背景/参展经历/获奖荣誉)Artists'Resume(Educational Background/Exhibition Experience/Honors and Rewards)
  ●选送作品介绍和艺评(各150字左右)Art comments of works applied(About 150 words)
  ●艺术家联系方式(电话/邮箱)、身份证号码(护照号码)、入选后出发地Artists'Contact Information(Tel/Email),ID Card Number(Passport Number),Address.
  请按照上述要求以压缩包形式发送至箱箱:shirleyhuang pannationalarts.com格式:2020镜子的另一边·雕塑展—姓名—作品名称Please follow the above request and send to the email address:shirleyhuang pannationalarts.comFormat:The other side of the mirrorSculpture Exhibition 2020-Name-Title of the work
  ●联系方式:黄馨13913186519Contact Number:13913186519 Shirley Huang
  ●截止日期:2020年7月15日Deadline:July 15,2020
  ●收件时间及收件地址另行通知Receiving time and address will be informed.
  PS:Appliers selected to the next round will be informed after careful deliberation and are required to send the original art works for the exhibition.
  其他事项Other Matters:主办方对参展作品有展览、研究、摄影、录像、出版及宣传权。The host have all rights for the exhibition,researching,photographing,video making,publishing,and publicizing of all works in the final exhibition.
  本次2020镜子的另一边·雕塑展组委会对本文件条款内容有最终解释权,并对所有参展及获奖作品有最终裁定权。The rights of final explanation for all terms included above and the discretion of all art works applied will be reserved to The other side of the mirror Sculpture Exhibition 2020 Organizing Committee.
  往期金奥展览现场:Exhibition in the past:滑动查看更多