
发布时间:2020-09-03      截稿时间:2020-11-27      阅读量:8381次     
  英国DBA设计奖是衡量设计的商业价值而进行设立的,成立于1989年。由英国商业设计协会(The Design Business Association)进行颁发,采用商业数据评选那些具有高商业价值的,对公司极具竞争力的设计项目。英国DBA设计奖主要奖励取得了巨大商业成功的设计作品,他的评委由资深企业界、商业界和设计界专家组成。能够获此奖项是设计能够带给产品巨大商业价值的证明,是企业走向成功的战略工具,也显示了企业家和设计师能够取得巨大回报的能力。
  The forefront of effective design
  Revered by both design teams and commissioners of design,a DBA Design Effectiveness Award is the most rewarding design accolade to win.
  Jeremy Lindley Global design director at Diageo Quote.png
  The Design Business Association(DBA)has been measuring success,sharing excellence and best practice in design effectiveness for over 30 years.As the global leader on design effectiveness,we draw focus onto the capabilities and impact of design,championing its intrinsic value to business,government and society.
  Grand Prix奖金奖银奖铜奖
  The DBA Design Effectiveness Awards celebrate and prove how powerful partnerships between clients and designers can be.
  The global award scheme recognises wide-ranging examples of design across all sectors and disciplines.Any design can be entered as long as design made a clear contribution to the success of the business or initiative,and the results of this can be measured and proven.
  A DBA Design Effectiveness Award win will provide valuable differentiation from competitors.Entering can also hone your approach to measuring effectiveness,helping you to build greater robustness into briefs and to accumulate evidence of the value of your work,bolstering the case for design investment.
  The DBA Design Effectiveness Awards 2021 is now open for entries.
  Submit your entry by:5pm GMT,Friday 27 November.
  Evidence your success and demonstrate the results that your design delivers:find out how to get started and download your entry pack today.
  We welcome entries from any country.You do not need to be a DBA member to enter,but members benefit from a discounted entry fee.More information about the DBA and how to join our design community can be viewed here.(https://www.dba.org.uk/)