CGDA2020 平面设计学院奖

发布时间:2020-09-08      截稿时间:2020-12-18      阅读量:13557次     
  CGDA Graphic Design Academy Award 2020
  CGDA Graphic Design Academy Award 2020,暨第四届平面设计学院奖面向港澳台、亚太地区、全球范围的美术院校专业教师、设计专业学生、应届毕业生。学院奖旨在推动各高等院校间的教学与学科建设、设计教育观念的革新。作为广大师生相互交流和提高的平台,学院奖致力于以国际先进设计思维与理念,挖掘不同的教学优势与人才,探索平面设计专业教学改革与实践成果。
  The Fourth CGDA Graphic Design Academy Award 2020 aims at the students,current year'sgraduates,professional teachers of the art colleges in Hong Kong,Mocao,Taiwan,Asian-Pacific region and even the global areas.It aims at pushingforward the teaching and discipline construction of institutions of higherlearning and the reform of educational concept.As a platform of mutualexchange and improvement of teachers and students,Graphic Design Academy Awarddevotes itself to using international advanced design thought and concept,excavating different teaching superiorities and talent and exploring theteaching reform and practice achievement in the major of Graphic Design.
  举办单位Host Units
  Sponsored by:CGDA
  Undertaken by:Organizing Committee of CGDA Graphic Design Academy Award
  参赛资格Entry Rules
  Competitors are theteachers of full-time art design schools,adult education schools and traininginstitutions.The works in competition must be those created in the latest fiveyears,namely those created after 2016.
  Competitors are thegraduates,undergraduates,the students upgrading from junior college touniversity,the students of junior college and advanced students infull-time art design schools and the students through self-taught examinationand advanced students of adult education schools.The graduates of 2020 canparticipate in the competition.
  Note:The works in competitioncan be the designed works in practical application or the practice works whichhave not been practically applied.
  参赛类别Competing Category
  VI系统Visual Identity
  应用包装Package Design
  Book,Album,Newspaper,Magazine,Conceptual Publication
  Greeting Card,Invitation Card,Institute Annual Report,DirectMail,Others
  D海报设计Poster Design
  创意海报Creative Poster
  社会公益海报PublicBenefit Poster
  手绘插图Hand-painted illustrations
  导视系统设计SignSystem Design
  Interface(APP&OthersElectronic Product Interface)
  广告影视Movie,Video Intro
  动画短片AnimatedShort Film
  奖项设置Award Setting
  Gold award,silver award,bronze award,excellenceaward and finalist award are set respectively.Whole-scene award,excellentadvisor award and excellent organization award are also set in CGDA2020 GraphicDesign Academy Award.The list of awarded works will be released in theofficial website, and web portalsof Arting365.Certificate of award will be given to all award winners.Excellentawarded works will be shown at official website.
  作品提交Work Submitted
  All entries of thiscompetition will be submitted via E-mail.Registration Form of Works shallbe completed and submitted,and the form can be downloaded from format of E-mail is:name of contestant+category.Send itto cgdahk
  Brand image/posterdesign/font design/illustration design/environmental graphic:electronic formof every work shall be submitted,Requirement on electronic form of works:A4size,300dpi,RGB mode,storage format JPEG.
  Package design:more than 5 packed works in electronic form shall be submitted for every work(design sketch of work or photo of material object).The global,local orcombined effect of packages shall be shown.Requirement on electronic formof works:A4 size,300dpi,RGB mode,storage format JPEG.
  Popularizationarticles and publications:more than 5 packed works in electronic form shall besubmitted for every work(design sketch of work or photo of material object).Integrated design(cover,inside pages and local design of publications areincluded)shall be shown.Requirement on electronic form of works:A4size,300dpi,RGB mode,storage format JPEG.
  Multimedia/interactivedesign:unlimited website design,UI design,APP design,advertisement andvideos,short animations or interactive experimental design(electronic form ofworks,link of works or dynamic videos;duration of dynamic video shall not belonger than 5 minutes;the size of video shall not be larger than 100M;the uniform format submitted is mp4)
  Note:Allcompetitors submit their works at their(group)own will.Quantity is unlimited.Some typesof work may be not awarded.
  The deadline isfrom now to December 18,2020 and will be subject to the time when theorganizing committee receives the document.
  In December 24,2020(Christmas Eve),the officialwebsite of CGDA and major media will announce the awards,and thecertificate will be presented at the same period.
  参赛费用Entry Fee
  Fee for finaljudgment:
  80 yuan shall be paid for each work of teacher;120 yuan shall be paid foreach series work.
  60 yuan shall be paid for each work of student;100 yuan shall be paidfor each series work.
  CGDA members willhave a 50%discount.
  付款方式Payment Methods
  收款账号:6214 8378 5269 9713
  Please select oneof the following payment modes:
  2,Account Name:Zheng Xiu li
  Bank Name:China Merchants Bank,Golden Central Sub-branch of Shenzhen
  Account Number:6214 8378 5269 9713
  Please specifyauthor’s name,photograph payment voucher(or screenshot)and send them to thedesignated E-mail together with the work.
  问题咨询Consulting With
  Previous awarded works in CGDA design competitions:

  As for any doubt for the rules,organizing committee of school award reservesthe right of final interpretation.As for any unaccomplished matter relevant tothe school award,organizing committee of school award will make further rulesand offer interpretation.The organizing party is entitled for the rightsof entries’exhibition,publishing(including electronic publishing)andcollection.
