2020美国缪斯设计奖Muse Design Awards

发布时间:2020-09-16      截稿时间:2020-09-23      阅读量:26146次     
  缪斯设计奖(MUSE Design Awards)是国际奖项协会(International Awards Associate)旗下的全球性奖项赛事之一,旨在培养和推广“设计缪斯”,推动设计发展更上一层楼。面向建筑、室内、产品、时尚等广泛领域征集设计作品,发掘和支持各行业处在上升期的设计师。参赛者需具备独特的才能,不论通过传统材料或是电子媒介,能够以其概念、想法或设计激发人们的灵感。
  Create History
  A MUSE's creation is never thoughtless.It is crafted meticulously to usher forth new horizons,while serving as waypoints for those who come after.The MUSE Design Awards honors design professionals of various expertise,whose works carve a path forward,while leaving their marks in history.They ascend,and take their rightful place as a MUSE.
  Be a part of a grand tale.Create History.

  ©来源Muse Design Awards
