
发布时间:2025-01-02      截稿时间:2025-03-01      阅读量:2136次     
  Tomorrow Sculpture Awards was founded in 2013,jointly initiated and sponsored by Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and Sichuan Tomorrow Culture&Arts Investment Management Co.,Ltd.In 2019,it established a strategic partnership with WULIANGYE Group Co.,Ltd.,which became the exclusive title sponsor of the Awards.
  In 2025,the 12th Tomorrow Sculpture Awards will introduce a"Public Art"section to highlight the cutting-edge,experimental,and exploratory qualities of public art,along with its role in social empowerment.Through artistic integration,it aims to cultivate public awareness;through landscape reconstruction,it seeks to refresh urban cultural memories;and through visual discourse,it strives to redefine the essence of art,humanistic practice,and the pathways of artistic engagement,thereby promoting the development of sculpture and public art.As one of the most influential art awards in China with an international perspective and participation,it has,over twelve years of continuous cultivation,evolved from shaping artworks to engaging in profound reflections on and constructions of history,culture,and society.
  The Tomorrow Sculpture Awards remains rooted in the present.With an open perspective of global-local integration,it explores the tension between the ontological language of sculpture and the ideological trends of the times,the conceptual pathways of art's intervention in the social sphere,and presents art as a form of creative thinking that deeply engages with social consciousness.
  Tomorrow Sculpture Awards,an ongoing event,looks forward to portraying the future vision of contemporary sculpture and public culture through interwoven perspectives and resonances across time and space.
  Application Rules and Details
  This Award aim to encourage young artists and outstanding students currently enrolled in academic institutions who are dedicated to sculpture and public art creation and demonstrate a creative and innovative spirit.They also seek to recognize outstanding works characterized by originality,innovative aesthetics,and cultural depth.
  Application Period
  Review Period
  Eligibility Criteria
  Young sculptors under 45 years of age from across China(including mainland,Taiwan,Hong Kong,and Macao)and overseas.
  申请人须于申请时间内将作品文件发送至组委会公共邮箱:mingtiandiaosu 126.com,或将作品相关材料以U盘形式寄到四川美术学院造型艺术学院办公室。
  Application Procedure
  Applicants must send the submission files to the public email of the organizing committee:mingtiandiaosu 126.com within the application period,or send the relevant materials on a USB flash drive to the Office of the School of Fine Arts at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute.
  Submission Materials
  1.A personal resume written in both Chinese and English,a portrait photo,and a photo of the applicant at work(please include contact information);
  2.Submitted works must have been created within the last two years;
  3.A description of the works in both Chinese and English,within 500 words;
  4.Photos of the works should be in JPG or TIF format with print-ready resolution;
  5.Optional high-definition videos of the works.
  Exhibition Evaluation
  20 artists will be shortlisted to participate in the"Exhibition of Shortlisted and Award-winning Works,"the"Art Presentation Event,"and the"Awards Ceremony."
  The shortlisted artists are required to prepare a 6-minute presentation slides and deliver a speech at the"Tomorrow Art Presentation Event and Awards Ceremony."They will be comprehensively evaluated by five final judges through on-site exhibitions and art presentations.
  1 Annual Grand Awards of WULIANGYE Tomorrow Sculpture Awards,100,000 RMB
  3 Annual Awards of WULIANGYE Tomorrow Sculpture Awards,20,000 RMB each
  1 Annual Public Art Awards of WULIANGYE Tomorrow Sculpture Awards,20,000 RMB
  The shortlisted and winning works will participate in the 12th WULIANGYE Tomorrow Sculpture Awards Shortlist and Winning Works Exhibition in 2025 and be compiled into a book for publication and distribution.The 20 shortlisted artists will be invited to attend the Award ceremony in Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in Chongqing,China.
  Promotion Plan
  Launch WULIANGYE Tomorrow Sculpture Awardspublic art promotion plan,conduct in-depth cooperation with the WULIANGYE Group,and gradually achieve the transformation from individual expression in artistic creation to public participation,as well as from the creation of artworks to the deeper integration into cultural life.
  Final Judges
  焦兴涛Jiao Xingtao
  Professor,President of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute
  林茂Lin Mao
  President and Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts
  彭锋Peng Feng
  Professor,Dean of the School of Arts,Peking University;Curator of the China Pavilion at the 54th Venice Biennale
  林瑾慧Lim Keunhye
  Curator,Director of ARKO Art Center,Korea
  陈克Chen Ke
  Professor,Dean of School of Sculpture and Public Art of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
  Preliminary Judges
  史金淞Shi Jinsong
  Ewa MariaŚmigielska
  Distinguished Professor of Art Museum of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute,China,Sculptress,Doctor of Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw,Poland
  张伟Zhang Wei
  Professor,Director of the Sculpture Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts
  Mary Modeen
  Professor,Doctoral Supervisor,Director of the Department of Interdisciplinary Art Practice,Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design,University of Dundee,UK
  何桂彦He Guiyan
  Professor,Director of Art Museum of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute
  姜俊Jiang Jun
  郅敏Zhi Min
  Executive Vice Dean of Sculpture Institute of Chinese National Academy of Arts,Sculptor
  唐勇Tang Yong
  Professor,Dean of the School of Fine Arts,Sichuan Fine Arts Institute
  班陵生Ban Lingsheng
  Professor,Dean of the School of Sculpture and Public Art,China Academy of Art
  董书兵Dong Shubing
  Professor,Vice Dean of Academy of Arts&Design,Tsinghua University
  翟庆喜Zhai Qingxi
  Professor,Vice Dean of the School of Fine Arts,Shanghai University
  谭勋Tan Xun
  Professor,Vice Deanof the School of Arts,Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts
  Exhibition Period
  孙振华Sun Zhenhua
  Presentation Place
  Multifunctional Hall of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute
  邮箱:mingtiandiaosu 126.com
  Address of Acceptance
  Email:mingtiandiaosu 126.com
  Address:Sculpture Department,School of Arts,Sichuan Fine Arts Institute,Huxi University Town,GaoxinDistrict,Chongqing City,China
  Postal Code:401331
  马俊杰Ma Junjie:+(86) 
  耿菊花Geng Juhua:+(86) 
  江佳铭Jiang Jiaming:+(86) 
  Contact Phone Number
  +(86)23 6592 2838
  Exclusive Sponsor
  Sichuan Fine Arts Institute
  Sichuan Tomorrow Culture Co.,Ltd.
  The School of Fine Arts of Sichuan Fine Art Institute
  Art Museum of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute
  The Initiators of the Tomorrow Sculpture Awards
  Xiang Li/Sun Zhenhua/Jiao Xingtao  