
发布时间:2020-05-31      截稿时间:2020-05-31      阅读量:13954次     

  Prequalification Announcement on InternationalSolicitation of Proposals for Detailed Urban Design and Architectural ConceptDesign of the Launch Area of the Future Science and Technology City of ChengduHi-Tech Industrial Development Zone
  Chengdu Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone PanningBureau(as the Sponsor),CDHT Investment Co.,Ltd.(as the Organizer)andShanghai International Tendering Co.Ltd.(as the Solicitation Agency)are nowjointly soliciting Proposals for Detailed Urban Design and ArchitecturalConcept Design of The Launch Area ofthe Future Science and Technology City of Chengdu Hi-Tech IndustrialDevelopment Zone.We publicly invite design agencies worldwide withrelated design experience to participate and submit the Application Documentsfor Prequalification.Five Participants will be selected throughprequalification to participate in the solicitation activities and submit theDesign Proposals.
  一、征集背景(项目概况)The Background of Solicitation(Project Briefing)
  Accordingto the instructions of Chengdu municipal government on"focusing onplanning the Future Science and Technology City",in order to launch the"first shot"of the construction of the Future Science and TechnologyCity,adhere to the"World Vision,International Standards,Tianfu Characteristics,and High Point Positioning",it is proposed to collect innovative urbandesign scheme and architectural design scheme from domestic and foreignexcellent design institutions for The Launch Area(i.e.Futian station and surrounding area ofline 18 Ring Road)of the Future Science and Technology City of Chengdu Hi-TechIndustrial Development Zone.
  二、征集方式Procedures of Solicitation
  Through Prequalification five Participants(includingthose of the consortium)shall be selected to participate in the solicitationand submit the Design Proposal.
  2.Scheme Evaluation
  Throughevaluation three out of five schemes will be selected and continue to beimproved.
  Theadministrative authority will determine the final winner after reviewing theevaluation report and three improved schemes.
  三、征集内容Scope of Solicitation
  Scope of Research:
  The scope of research covers approximately 4.6 square kilometers from JiangshuiRoad in the north,Da Anxi 1st Road in the south,Jinjiaren Expressway in theEast and Huaijian Expressway in the West.
  Contents of Research:
  Each of the Participants is required to submit a study reportcontaining regional positioning,industrial planning,overall spatialstructure,functional layout,public space and landscape system,etc.of thearea.
  2.Detailed Urban Design
  Scope of Design:
  The scope of design covers approximately 1.2 square kilometers from JiangshuiSouth 1st Road in the north,Da Anxi ecological corridor in thesouth,Jinjiaren Expressway in the East and Pingqiao Avenue(East Line 1)inthe West.
  Contents of Design:
  Each of the Participants is required to submit a planning schemecontaining the overall planning and design theme,overall structure,spatiallayout,public space design,urban landscape design,three-dimensional shapedesign and development intensity arrangement,comprehensive traffic design,three-dimensional slow traffic system,underground space organization,development sequence,new themes and ideas,advanced technology andimplementation plans of the area.
  3.Architectural ConceptDesign
  Participants shall determine the design scope of the urban complex ofFutian station according to their own urban design scheme and complete theconceptual architectural scheme design.The GFA shall not be less than 200000square meters.
  4.Follow-upwork of proposal solicitation
  The final winner shall develop the schemes ofarchitectural concept,landscape concept,and the application of new crafts,technologies and materials and provide consulting services for the next twoyears.The depth of scheme development shall meet the requirements of theSponsor and the administrative authority,which will be specified in the DesignAssignment Documents.
  四、征集计划Schedule ofSolicitation
  May 28,2020
  Releasing Prequalification Announcement
  Opening registration channel
  17:00,June 10,2020
  (Beijing time,the same below)
  Closing registration channel
  17:00,June 11,2020
  Deadline for Submission of Application Documents
  June 16,2020
  Evaluation on Prequalification
  June 19,2020
  Issuing the Shortlist Notice of Five Participants
  June 23,2020
  Receiving Confidentiality Commitment Letter and Participation Confirmation Letter
  June 24,2020
  Kickoff Meeting,Site Visiting and Q&A Meeting
  September 24,2020
  Submission of Proposals
  Design Evaluation Meeting
  Submission of Evaluation Report to Administrative Authority
  五、主办单位、承办单位和征集组织机构Sponsor,Organizer and Solicitation Agency
  Sponsor:Chengdu Hi-Tech Industrial DevelopmentZone Panning Bureau
  Organizer:CDHT Investment Co.,Ltd.
  Solicitation Agency:Shanghai InternationalTendering Co.,Ltd.
  Solicitation Agency:Shanghai InternationalTendering Co.,Ltd.
  Address:14/F,358 Yan An Road(west),Jinan District,Shanghai,China
  Contactors:Yu Fang
  邮箱:yufang shabidding.com
  Email:yufang shabidding.com
  七、应征人资格要求Eligibility and Qualifications of Participants
  1.The participating applicant(hereinafter referred to as the“Applicant”)shall be a legal entity that hasbeen legally incorporated in accordance with laws or a project consortiumcomposed of legal entities that have been legally incorporated in accordancewith laws;
  2.The Applicant shall havethe relevant qualifications and abilities to undertake the urban design project:
  2.1The Applicants within the People'sRepublic of China shall provide certification materials proving that they havethe professional and technical abilities to undertake the urban design project,such as a qualification certificate for the urban and rural planning,a Certificate ofQualification of Foreign-funded Enterprises for Urban Planning Services,a qualification certificate of Grade A architecturaldesign(architectural engineering)or aboveor a commission contract of urban design,etc.;
  2.2TheApplicants outside the People's Republic of China should have a practicelicense or business license for urban planning or architectural design inaccordance with the national or local administrative regulations.If a businessentity engaged in urban planning or architectural design should have thecorresponding practice permit or qualification or business license according tothe national or local administrative regulations on practice or operation ofurban planning and architectural design,it shall provide documentary evidencefor its practice permit or qualification or business license.If the national orlocal administrative regulations on practice or operation of urban planning andarchitectural design do not require that a business entity engaged in urbanplanning or architectural design should have the corresponding practice permitor qualification or business license,and only require that planners andarchitects should have appropriate qualifications or practice licenses,thenthe registered or practicing certificate or membership certificate of theplanner or architect of the institution should be provided,and the designagency should explain the national or regional administrative regulations onpractice or operation of planning and architectural design.The qualificationrequirements for design agencies in Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan should refer tothe provisions on the qualification requirements for overseas design agencies;
  2.3Applicants should haveexperience in urban design similar to the functional nature of this project.
  3.This project acceptsapplications from the Consortium,and the number of the Consortium membersshall not exceed three:
  3.1联合体的各成员应共同签署一份联合体协议;3.1Members of the Consortiumshall jointly sign a consortium agreement;
  3.2Any partner of theConsortium shall neither individually apply for the Prequalification in its owncapacity,nor concurrently apply for the Prequalification as a partner ofanother Consortium;
  3.3若联合体均由境内设计机构组成,则需满足2.1项要求;若联合体由境内、外设计机构(包括港澳台地区)组成,则境内机构须至少满足2.1项其中一项资质要求,境外机构(包括港澳台地区)需满足2.2项要求。3.3Ifthe Consortium is composed of domestic design agencies,the requirements inItem 2.1 shall be met;if the Consortium is composed of domestic and foreigndesign agencies(or design agencies from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan),thedomestic agencies shall meet at least one of the qualification requirements inItem 2.1,and foreign agencies(or agencies from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan)shall meet the requirements in Item 2.2.
  八、报名登记与资格预审文件的获取Registration andObtaining of Prequalification Documents
  The Registration Form and PrequalificationDocuments can be downloaded from the website of Shanghai International Tendering Co.,Ltd.(www.shabidding.com).
  有意向参加应征的应征申请人需先在上海国际招标有限公司网站(www.shabidding.com)下载报名登记表。填写完成后以Word版本E-mail至征集指定邮箱yufang shabidding.com进行报名。报名截止时间为2020年6月10日17点(北京时间,下同),以登记表到达指定邮箱的时间为准。逾期收到的登记表不予接受。征集组织机构收到登记表后将资格预审文件的下载密码发送给应征申请人。
  Applicants who intend to participate in thesolicitation for Design Proposals must first download the Registration Formfrom the website of Shanghai International Tendering Co.,Ltd.(www.shabidding.com).After completing the registration form,applicants should email the Word version to yufang shabidding.com.The deadline for submission of RegistrationForm is 17:00 on June 4,2020(Beijing Time,the same below).The time ofsubmission of registration from is subject to the time when the RegistrationForm reaches the designated Email box.Registration Forms received after thedeadline will not be accepted.After receiving the Registration Form,the SolicitationAgency will send the download password of the Prequalification Documents to theapplicants.
  Online downloadchannel will be opened on the day when this prequalification announcement isreleased.
  九、资格预审申请文件的递交Submission of Application Documents forPrequalification
  The deadline for submission of applicationdocuments for prequalification is 17:00 on June 5,2020.The applicant shallsubmit a complete set of Application Documents for Prequalification(paper andelectronic)to the solicitation organization before the deadline forsubmission.The Solicitation Agency will reject any such documents that arriveafter the specified deadline.Applicants should submit the ApplicationDocuments for Prequalification in accordance with the requirements of thePrequalification Documents.
  十、征集公告发布媒体Media Releasing Announcement on Solicitation
  Theannouncement on solicitation is published on the following websites at the sametime.The amendments and supplements to the announcement shall be subject tothe contents released via the following websites:
  ChinaTendering and Bidding Public Service Platform(http://www.cebpubservice.com)
  ChinaGovernment Procurement Network(www.ccgp.gov.cn)
  The websiteof Shanghai International Tendering Co.,Ltd.(www.shabidding.com)
  Official website ofChengdu Hi-tech Zone·National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone(http://cdht.gov.cn/)
  十一、征集说明Instructions on Solicitation
  1.Compensationsfor Designs Proposals
  TheOrganizer will pay a compensation for Design Proposal to each of the fiveParticipants who have submitted valid proposals in accordance with thesolicitation requirements.The amount is RMB 3.5 million(including taxes).
  2.The Organizer will not pay anycompensation when Participants are under the following circumstances:
  2.1应征人未按规定时间提交应征文件;2.1Participantsfail to submit the Design Proposals within the specified time;
  2.2应征人提交的应征文件经专家评审被认定为未对征集文件要求作出实质性响应;2.2TheDesign Proposals submitted by Participants are judged,upon the expert review,as not substantially responding to the requirements of the solicitationdocuments;
  2.3应征人被取消应征资格;2.3Participantsare disqualified;
  2.4方案征集期间,应征人的资格条件发生变化,不能达到第七条规定的应征人资格要求。2.4During the period ofsolicitation,the qualification conditions of the Participants have changed andcannot meet the requirements of Article 7 Eligibility and Qualifications ofParticipants.
  3.Awardsand prize settings:
  Thereare 3 winners in the scheme collection.After the winner modifies the DesignProposal in accordance with the requirements of the solicitation document andin combination with expert opinions,and meets the requirements of the Sponsor,each winner will receive a prize of RMB 0.7 million(including taxes).
  4.Follow-upwork for the solicitation:
  The final winner shall develop the schemes of architecturalconcept,landscape concept,the application of new crafts,technologies andmaterials and provide consulting services for the next two years.The depth ofscheme development shall meet the requirements of the Sponsor and theadministrative authority,which will be specified in the Design AssignmentDocuments.The contractual amount will be RMB30 million(including taxes).
  The above fees include all taxes payable withinand outside China.
  1.Intellectual Property Rights(IPR)
  1.1Allvalid Design Proposals received in this solicitation will not be returned.
  1.2应征人提交的应征城市设计版权归主办单位/承办单位所有。应征人对其应征的城市设计享有署名权。在征得主办单位/承办单位书面同意后,应征人可通过传播媒介、专业杂志、书刊或其他形式评价、展示其应征设计成果的相关内容。除应征人的设计标准、设计导则和绘图元素以外,应征人不得将应征设计成果用于其他的规划设计项目。1.2Thecopyright of the applied urban design submitted by Participants belongs to theSponsor/Organizer,and Participants hold the right of authorship for the appliedurban design.Participants can comment on and display the relevant contents ofDesign Proposals in the forms of media communication,trade magazines,andpublications among others upon the Sponsor’s/Organizer’s consent in writing.Except for Participants'design standards,designing guidelines and drawingelements,the Participants shall not use their Design Proposals in otherplanning and design projects.
  1.3应征人提交的应征建筑方案版权归主办单位/承办单位及应征人共有。主办单位/承办单位可对应征建筑方案进行印刷、出版和展览,可通过传播媒介、专业杂志、书刊或其他形式评价、展示、宣传,但应注明应征建筑方案的设计单位和创作者。在征得主办单位/承办单位书面同意后,应征人可通过传播媒介、专业杂志、书刊或其他形式评价、展示其应征建筑方案的相关内容。1.3The copyright of the architectural design schemesubmitted by Participants belongs to the Sponsor/Organizer and theParticipants.The Sponsor/Organizer can print,publish and exhibit theguidance,and can comment on,display and publicize it in the forms of mediacommunication,trade magazines,publications among others,but should indicatethe design organizations and creators of the guidance.Participants can commenton and display the relevant contents of the architectural design scheme in theforms of media communication,trade magazines,and publications among othersupon the Sponsor’s/Organizer’s consent in writing.
  1.4主办单位/承办单位有权在本项目的规划编制、城市设计编制、城市设计导则编制、建筑方案编制、城市运营、园区商业运营、土地出让、规划建设管理等情形中无偿全部或部分使用应征人提交的设计成果。1.4TheSponsor/Organizer has the right to use all or part of the Design Proposalsfree of charge in the formulation of the planning,urban design,urban designguidelines,and architectural proposal guidance as well as urban operation,Park commercial operation,land transfer,planning and construction managementof the project.
  1.5应征人应保证提交的应征设计成果在中国境内或境外没有且不会侵犯任何其他人的知识产权(包括但不限于著作权、专利权)或专有技术或商业秘密。应征人应保证,如果其应征设计成果使用或包含任何其他人的知识产权或专有技术或商业秘密,应征人已经获得权利人的合法、有效、充分的授权。应征人因侵犯他人知识产权或专有技术或商业秘密所引起的全部赔偿责任应由应征人承担。1.5Participantsshall ensure that all the submitted Design Proposals have not infringed uponand will not infringe upon IPR(including but not limited to copyright andpatents)or proprietary technologies or trade secrets of others within oroutside the People’s Republic of China.Participants shall guarantee that iftheir Design Proposals use or include IPR or proprietary technologies or tradesecrets of others,Participants shall have already obtained legitimate,validand sufficient authorization from the right holders.Participants shall takeall liabilities arising from infringement by the Participants upon IPR orproprietary technologies or trade secrets of others.
  1.6在征集过程中主办单位提供的设计基础资料(包括设计图纸、设计资料等)的知识产权属主办单位及相关设计单位所有。应征人仅可以将上述文件用于应征设计和编制应征设计文件之目的。未经主办单位书面许可,应征人不得将上述文件用于其他工程设计或其他目的,也不得将上述文件泄露给任何第三方。1.6TheIPRs of the basic design information(including design drawings,designmaterials,etc.)provided by the Sponsor during the solicitation process belongto the Sponsor and related design organizations.Participants can only use thedocuments aforementioned for the purpose of designing and compiling DesignProposals.Without written consent from the Sponsor,Participants shall not usethe documents aforementioned for other engineering designs or other purposes,and shall not disclose the documents aforementioned to any third Party.
  1.7Thecopyright of all the outcome documents prepared by the participant shall beowned by the participant.After the organizer and the participant sign thewinning contract,the sponsor/organize obtains the right to use the outcomedocuments.
  1.8The design developmentand construction drawing design of the project will be determined throughpublic bidding in accordance with the bidding law of the People’s Republic ofChina.
  Thesolicitation per se and any documents relating thereto shall be governed onlyby the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China.
  3.1Thelanguage used in the Prequalification Documents and any supplement andclarification documents thereto shall be Chinese and English.In the event ofany discrepancy between Chinese and English,Chinese shall prevail.
  3.2资格预审申请文件与主办单位之间与征集活动有关的往来函电和文件均应使用中文书写。应征人随应征文件提供的证明文件和印刷品可以使用另一种语言,但必须附以中文译本。3.2ApplicationDocuments for Prequalification and the correspondence and documents related tothis solicitation between Participants and the Sponsor shall all be drafted inChinese.Another language can be used for the proof documents and printedmaterials that Participants provide along with the application documents,butthe version with Chinese translation shall be attached thereto.
  3.3与本次征集活动相关的会议及各项活动的口头交流的语言为中文。3.3Thelanguage used in the meetings and oral communication related to thissolicitation shall be Chinese.
  4.Powerof Interpretation
  The final right of interpretation of thesolicitation and related documents is held by the Sponsor.
