冰岛洞穴塔国际建筑大赛 | 设计竞赛营启动

发布时间:2020-07-08      截稿时间:2020-12-16      阅读量:5613次     

Dexter Hwang导师的能力实在是毋庸置疑,认真来说,或许很多人目前听过以及见过的奖项不及咱们导师一年拿的多;遑论奖项含金量,每一个都是国际级的比赛,每一次都是名列前茅。

导师奖项矩阵:YING-YANG_ Academie exellence awardFu Der Temple Competition_ Third Place AwardGreen living environment Student Competition_ Honorable MentiomASIAN CONTEST OF ARCHITECTURAL ROOKIES AW ARD (TaiwanRegion)_ Gold Medal AwardASIAN CONTEST OF ARCHITECTURAL ROOKIES AWARD (JapanRegion)_ Special awardTaipei Tech Internatinal Student [Occupation] Competition_ Finalist TOP50Hsuehchia housing Competition_ Silver Medal AwardIntelligent Green Building Design Competition_ Gold Medal AwardFCU Thesis projecet Award_ Graduated with Distinction (First Prize)FCU x THU thesis review_ Excellence awardAdvance Developers Association_ Etelence awardThe National Golden Award for Architeture_ FinalistMobilenn-mobile national student competition_ Special awardNational AILUS Awards Student Design Competition_ Special awardRTF(Rethinking The Future) Sustainability Awards [LANDSCAPE DESIGN]_ First awardArchiprix ineteational Best Graduatioo Projects_ Certifcate of ParticipationDelhi Architecture Festival Student Competition Award_ [LANDSCAPE DESIGN]_ First awardDelhi Architecture Festival Student Competitin Award_ [MIXED USE]_ Third awardInelligent Green Building Design Competition_ Silver Medal AwardLafargeHolcim 5th Awards_ "Next Generation" 4th prizeUnfuse International Architecture Thesis Awards 2018_ ShortlistMedia Student Architecture & Design Award 2018_ [CULTURAL]_ Second awardMedia Student Architecture & Design Award 2018_ [MIXED USE]_ Third awardRTF(Rethinking The Future) Global Architecture & Design Awards 2018 [Cultural ]_ First awardIntelligent Green Building Design Competitiona_ShortlistIS ARCH (9th) cometition_ Special mentionRTF(Rethinking The Future) Global Architecture & Design Awards 2018 [Landscape Design]_ First award


Alona Martinez Perez-  英国普利茅斯大学;

Andrejs Edvards Rauchut - RISEBA的副教授,Fulbright奖学金获得者,拉脱维亚;

奥黛丽·麦基(Audrey McKee) -伦佐·皮亚诺(Renzo Piano)建筑工作室,法国;

Barbora Gezeova,法国RVA建筑师;

卡洛斯·吉马良斯(Carlos MGuimarães)– depA,葡萄牙A10杂志的通讯社;

柯林·安德森(Collin Anderson) -法国伦佐·皮亚诺(Renzo Piano)建筑工作室;


Emeka Nwandu-尼日利亚尼日利亚建筑师协会建筑教育委员会ENA建筑师事务所的主要合伙人;

伊娃(Eva Cildermane)-可持续发展和业务发展顾问,硕士。牛津大学可持续城市发展候选人;

Gemawang Swaribathoro -OMA,中国香港;

Gia-Hy Hoang-法新社,法国Portzamparc;

Lise Van Dun,法国Valode et Pistre建筑师;

Louis Gyoh博士 -英国FRSA MCIOB建筑师和学者;

Marcella Del Signore-杜兰大学实践教授;美国LEAD执业医师/意大利

Massimo Angrilli博士 -佩斯卡拉大学景观专业副教授,National Prix du Paysage巴黎评审团成员;

Pangalos Dugasse Feldmann-法国建筑学院

萨拉·戈里亚(Sara Goiria),建筑师,英国WeWork;

Simon McGown-联合办公室,美国。

